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Zoey's vision was filled with warnings as she proceeded to stand, shoving them aside as her main objective pulsed in big letters in her vision range.


Help Connor

Zoey tested her leg putting weight on it as Connor watched her closely. She felt a shock of electricity run through the circuits of leg as another warning popped up in her visual range, she shoved it away, nodding curtly at Connor.

"What can I do?" She asked.

Connor fixed his tie as he straightened. "From your memories, I have come to the conclusion if Daniel sees you, he will be more receptive into letting the hostage go. You will talk to him and convince him to let the girl go"

Zoey gave a nod of understanding, slightly confused at the dialogue approach that appeared hovering next to Connor. Her name isn't a hostage. It's Emma. As soon as it appeared left however so she was unable to pick upon it. "What if he doesn't listen to me?"

"That is when I come in" Connor said coolly, confident.

Zoey and Connor made their way to the door where through their auditory sensors they could hear Daniel shouting commands.


Daniel's WHEREABOUTS detected.


- Make Daniel listen

- Make Daniel let Emma go.

Connor stood in front of Zoey, sliding the door open, a shot ringing through both ears, a splat of blue blood scattered through Zoey's face as Connor's body recoiled back, LED flashing red momentarily at the sharp feeling in his shoulder, looking down at his wound, thirium leaking out of the wound of his shoulder, LED back to blue, seeing it wasn't a critical shot. His gaze lifted up to Zoey, scanning her for any injure. Despite of the warning of her leg biocomponent damage, the bullet did not go through him toward her.

Her eyes were locked in his wound as her LED cycled yellow, shifting to a stable blue as she looked back at Connor, detecting not concerning damage.

The Androids turned their attention toward the unstable Deviant as he stood at the edge of the roof, a crying Emma in his arms while holding a loaded gun, helicopters flashing their lights and hovering too close to his dismay.

Connor turned to the Android beside him, scanning her. "Zoey"

Zoey stopped her own scanning of the roof, noticing the wounded Officer, gunshot to the leg, 79% change of critical damage if not treated. "Daniel" she called out, walking but also dragging her damaged biocomponent as wind blew her hair back.

Daniel's auditory sensors picked up her voice and a sudden rush of relief washed him over at seeing her alive. "Zo" he whispered in awe, emotion coating his words that made Connor behind Zoey tilt his head, LED cycling yellow as he processed the moment "I thought... You're alive. I saw you, very still. I thought-"

"My systems shut me down to preserve power" Zoey explained and Daniel winced at the sight of her leg but mostly at the tone of her voice. Calm. Analytical. Robotic. Lifeless. "What are you doing, Daniel? It is against the law holding a weapon. Hurting humans"

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