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Marlene looked nervously between Mr. Phillips and the Androids, immediately feeling sympathetic for Daniel as she knew he liked working for them. He tried to hide it but, she knew. That's why she felt relaxed around him, he cared and acted like a human. She wanted to think he had a social relations program like Zoey but when asked the Android, Zoey told her he didn't have that specific program. It confused Marlene. If he didn't, then why she felt she was seeing a human instead of a machine when she looked at Daniel?

A shadow fell upon them and Marlene tensed when she saw Daniel opening his mouth to call to them when his eyes fell upon Mr. Phillips tablet. Marlene noticed the moment he realized of Mr. Phillips' intentions, how his LED processed the information before he froze.

Daniel had just finished dinner and he and Zoey were just waiting for the food to be at the appropriate temperature to serve dinner when he went to the living room to inform the humans they could already sit on the table. But, he got more. He first smiled softly at Marlene before stopping right at Mr. Phillips back, opening his mouth to talk but the light on his tablet distracted him, flickering his eyes to it, scanning the contents before he felt his entire software freeze once he processed the information, LED cycling yellow.

It was a Cyberlife store. He was checking different models. Different Androids. It didn't take long before he connected the dots and fell upon a conclusion once he noticed the buy button had already been pressed on a AP700 female model.

He was being replaced.

And he didn't understand why. He did everything they asked him to, he took care of the penthouse, Emma, everything. He came to the conclusion he no longer felt his tasks as commands, he enjoyed them. He enjoyed playing and taking care of Emma. He thought they saw him as part of their family. And they were disposing him. A rush of several emotions went through him at the thought of being disposed aside. Fear, sadness..... Anger.


He wasn't a machine they could dispose when they thought he could no longer function at their orders. He didn't want to leave them.

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He loved them. And Emma. He loved her the most. She was his best friend, the one who taught him emotions, how humans behaved in certain situations, she was smart for being nine years old, and he loved her.


But, she was like other humans. She didn't care for him if she was letting her family do this to him. He would not be disposed like that, if anything.....

A red wall of programming appeared in front of Daniel, static playing on each part of his optical range showing all the tasks and commands he had received.

Why was he waiting for him to be thrown back to Cyberlife when all they would do is disable him and use his spare parts to use them on newer and better models? He was an old one, practically useless. NO!

He wasn't useless. He wasn't a piece of plastic worth of nothing!

He was alive!

And he was going to show them they needn't to dispose him. That he was still functional for them.

His LED however couldn't stop flickering bright red as he continued staring at Mr. Phillips, the one who always was the first to voice his opinions on him. How worthless and stupid he was only because he was made of plastic and wires and not flesh and blood. His fists tightened. LED clycing red constantly.

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