Chapter 11

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"Potter, (y/n)!"

And the students suddenly stopped all their cheering. All heads snapped back in my direction.

I made my way over to the stool, sitting down and picking up the hat while trying to ignore the whispering that had picked up at the mention of my name.

"Both Potters? Here?"
"Look at her scar!"

I placed the hat on my head, thankful for the fact that I could no longer see everyone staring at me, though the pitch black of the inside of the hat wasn't much more comforting.

"Another Potter? Any input you'd like to offer?"

I blinked, not used to hearing the hat saying anything other than the names of the houses, "Uh, if it's alright, I'd like to go with Harry."

"Hmm. Well-mannered, loyal, too. Gryffindor, you say?" The hat didn't wait for a response. "You've got the courage for it. Much like your brother, good fit for all four. . . But Gryffindor is your choice?"

"Yes," I nodded, before quickly adding on the word, "Please."

"Much like your father. Desperately wanted Gryffindor, though he didn't say it aloud. Even with all the courage he had tucked away, he didn't dare wish it where anyone could hear him."

". . .He didn't?"

"Enough about him," the hat decided suddenly. I didn't want to stop hearing about him. I wasn't ready t-


The Gryffindor table cheered just as loudly as they did when Harry was sorted, if not louder. I took the hat off to find that some students had jumped out of their seats in their excitement.

I walked over to the table, my legs feeling unstable underneath me.

Please, someone, take the attention off of me.

Percy the Prefect got out of his seat as he did when Harry came down past him, and he gripped onto my hand. I'm sure he introduced himself, but I couldn't hear him over the screaming of other students. I nodded, giving a weak smile, "Nice to meet you!"

Then, I quickly hurried off to find Harry.

"Both Potters," I heard the twins laughing loudly as they yelled out in victory, "We've got both Potters!"

Only four people were left to be sorted.

"Thomas, Dean!" He became a Gryffindor.

"Turpin, Lisa!" She was sorted into Ravenclaw.

"Weasley, Ronald!" He looked sickly pale when he went up to place the hat on his head, though his sorting went rather quickly, "GRYFFINDOR!"

I clapped for him, but not nearly as loud as Harry did. Ron collapsed on the other side of Harry while Percy Weasley congratulated him, "Well done, Ron, excellent."

"Zabini, Blaise!" He was the last person to be sorted, and he was put into Slytherin.

Professor McGonagall rolled up her scroll, grabbed the hat and chair, and carried them away.

An old man with an extremely long, silver beard got up to his feet, beaming down at the students, opening up his arms wide with a very pleased look on his face. I heard Hermione whisper his name—or at least, that's what I thought it was—under her breath in complete amazement, "Dumbledore. . ."

"Welcome," he said, "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!"

Ron Weasley X Reader 1 | A Wild World, A Wad of Wizards, And A Wonderful WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now