Chapter 20

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"It's obviously not dangerous," Hermione decided after a bit of debate about what had been in the bag Hagrid took out of Gringotts for Dumbledore, "And it's still very much none of our business."

"Oh come on! Aren't you curious what it is," I nudged her as I took another bite out of my breakfast.

She shook her head lightly and sent a disapproving look my way, "I was curious last week, (y/n). Don't you think it'd be better to focus on your studies?"

"We do enough of that already," I argued, "The library's for school work, the Great Hall's for food and fun!"

She blinked at me, "And this's meant to be fun?" "It is fun, Hermione, you're just focused on all the wrong things," I waved my fork in her face, and she immediately cracked a grin.

She tried to hide her smile as she scolded me, "Put that down, (y/n)! You're getting food all over the place!" "Alright, alright," I agreed with a dramatic sigh, "If you insist." "You are such a-"

But before she could finish her sentence, the owls came swooping in, and my attention was immediately put upon trying to find Fabius in the crowd.

This time, however, it wasn't hard at all. There were two very long, thin packages being carried by about half a dozen owls each. By the time one of the packages dropped down in front of me, I'd already figured that this was a delivery and not something Fabius had been meant to be a part of.

Thankfully, he was a stubborn fellow, so I did get to see him this morning.

A moment later and yet another owl zoomed in, dropping a letter down on top of the package in front of me.

Hermione's disappointment was audible in her voice, "What have you and Harry gotten up to this time?"

Funnily enough, I hadn't noticed that the other package had gone to Harry until she pointed that out, and then I reckoned I knew exactly what these were.

That's why I went to open the letter first. . .


. . .and now I was certainly grateful to have opened the letter first. Still, I continued reading over the letter.

"It contains your new Nimbus Two Thousand, but I don't want everybody knowing you've got a broomstick or they'll all want one. Oliver Wood will meet you tonight on the Quidditch field at seven o'clock for your first training session.
  Professor McGonagall"

"What is it? What're you smiling about," Hermione asked impatiently as she leaned over my shoulder to read the letter, too. Once I was done reading, I passed it over to her and glanced down the table at Harry.

It just so happens that he'd been looking my way right then and he waved me over as he got up from his seat, so I yanked my broomstick off the table, grabbed onto Hermione, urged her to come with me, and started down the hall while dragging her along.

Catching up to Harry and Ron wasn't hard to begin with, but the fact that they'd been stopped by Crabbe, Goyle, and Malfoy certainly made it easier.

Malfoy had just thrown Harry's broomstick back at him, and Ron was replying to whatever he'd just said, "It's not any old broomstick. It's a Nimbus Two Thousand. What did you say you've got at home, Malfoy, a Comet Two Sixty?" He grinned at Harry, "Comets look flashy, but they're not in the same league as the Nimbus."

"What would you know about it, Weasley, you couldn't afford half the handle," Malfoy shot back, "I suppose you and your brothers have to save up twig by twig."

Before anyone else had the chance to reply—and it looked like Ron was dying to say something back—Professor Flitwick had appeared by Malfoy's side, "Not arguing, I hope, boys?"

"Potter's been sent a broomstick, Professor," Malfoy rushed to tell him, and then his eyes darted over to me, "Both of them have."

To Malfoy's great surprise, Professor Flitwick's face only brightened, "Yes, yes, that's right. Professor McGonagall told me all about the special circumstances. And what model is it?"

"They're Nimbus Two Thousands, sir," Harry answered, and the look on his face told me how desperately he was trying not to laugh, "And it's really thanks to Malfoy here that we've got them."

The four of us then darted up the stairs, though only three of us were laughing. "Well, it's true," Harry chuckled, "If he hadn't stolen Neville's Remembrall I wouldn't be on the team. . ."

"So I suppose you think that's a reward for breaking rules?" Hermione, clearly, was not happy at all about any of this. Harry turned to look at her, "I thought you weren't speaking to us?" "Yes, don't stop now," Ron huffed, "it's doing us so much good."

Hermione marched off immediately, and I quickly followed after her, not bothering to do anything more than glare at Ron because I didn't want her to get too far away.

"Hermione," I called after her, "It's a good thing we treated Malfoy that way, and I know you know it!" She spun around with an angry look on her face, so I quickly continued talking, "Still, we were breaking the rules and probably shouldn't have been rewarded, but we were so we might as well be happy about it."

She opened her mouth to talk, though she merely sighed before sitting down on the edge of her bed and glancing back toward the door. I sat down next to her, "And I'd like to add that Ron's a fool if he doesn't want you around."

She let out a small breath that seemed a second away from being a laugh, "You think so?" "I know so," I nudged her playfully, "You should be grateful he doesn't want anything to do with you; now you haven't got to deal with him." "I guess you're right."

It really did feel a lot better now that she was grinning again. Besides, after dinner we got to have plenty of fun messing around with my broom before I went off to the Quidditch field with Harry.

Oliver Wood seemed very eager to teach me and Harry, and even after all I read about Quidditch already, I still learned a lot.

Everything also made a lot more sense after hearing it from a real person rather than just reading about it. Besides, I got to see everything in action. The Bludgers were more brutal than I'd imagined—I couldn't wait to play a game with them as a factor. Apparently, our team beaters were the Weasley twins, too, which only made it more exciting.

I also learned that, while there had been a few injuries caused by the Bludgers, they'd only ever done as much as broken jaws before.

Another thing about Wood to mention is how much faith he had in me and Harry. He'd said that we were certain to get the House Cup this year. I hoped so.

Quidditch practice happened three evenings a week, so my schedule became incredibly full with that on top of all my homework. Thankfully, Hermione was eager to help me with all my classwork and homework. She was like another teacher at this point. I really appreciated it. Everything I didn't understand, she got just fine, and she was able to explain it all to me.

Two months passed like that. I'd get dressed in the morning after being woken up by Hermione—who always woke me up a lot more gently than I'm sure Aunt Petunia ever even considered—, spend classes paired up with her, eat meals beside her and Neville while sitting across from Ron and Harry who were always enveloped in their own conversations, and then I'd have Quidditch practice with Harry.

It was like our own special thing—Quidditch practice. Really, it didn't matter that there was everyone else on the team, it still felt like it was our thing. I liked that.

And even though me and Harry had been spending less time with each other here than we would've been at Privet Drive, I still felt just as close to him. Which was odd, considering how I'd been so worried about Hermione taking his place. I think I'd just sort of realized that it wasn't possible for her to, no matter how much I liked her.

Word Count: 1414

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