Chapter 29

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The next morning, I woke up to presents. Presents. Crazy, I know!

Well, actually, I woke up to Harry shouting in excitement ("Will you look at this? I've got some presents!"). Usually, I slept in more than he did, so it was no surprise he was up before me. The presents really were a shock, though.

"What did you expect, turnips," Ron asked sarcastically as he turned toward his own pile of gifts, which was much bigger than me and Harry's.

I still really couldn't believe I'd gotten presents. They were all real nice, too, except for the one I'd gotten from the Dursleys—it was a fifty pence piece that was meant to be shared between me and Harry, though we merely decided to give it to Ron since he was so fascinated by it.

Other than that I'd gotten a gift from Hagrid—a wooden piece carved to look like Fabian—and one from Hermione—an assortment of all my favorite candies.

Honestly, I couldn't wait to see the both of them to thank them for their gifts. The first Christmas gifts I'd ever gotten! I was glad they could come from some of my first friends who were also two of the most important people in my life.

"Hagrid and my aunt and uncle," Harry said, counting off the ones he'd already opened, "so who sent these?"

"Well I'm guessing one must be Hermione," I thought aloud, figuring she probably got Harry something especially since she sent something my way.

"I think I know who those're from," Ron admitted with a pink face as he pointed at my remaining present and one of Harry's unopened ones. "My mom. I told her you guys didn't expect any presents and—oh, no," he groaned, "she's made you a Weasley sweater."

"A Weasley sweater," I asked curiously, which prompted him to elaborate as he unwrapped his own, "Every year she makes us a sweater and mine's always maroon."

Harry and I both went straight to opening up our parcels after Ron's explanation, and even though I already knew what it was, I couldn't help the spike of excitement when I saw it. It was thicker than I'd expected, but it was just what he'd said.

"That's really nice of her," Harry said while trying the homemade fudge that had come with his sweater.

I nodded in agreement while still staring at my hand-knit sweater—it was a very nice deep orange color that I couldn't seem to look away from, not even to acknowledge the fudge that had been put in my parcel.

"Your mum's the greatest," the words flooded my mouth in awe before I even knew what I was saying. Ron hummed indifferently.

He was a right fool to be indifferent to a mother like this, I thought. I'd give anything to have someone care so much—even if it was Aunt Petunia herself.

Harry said something about a present being addressed to the both of us when Ron let out a sharp gasp.

I turned to see he was staring at Harry as he opened up another parcel, this one revealing something fluid and silvery gray that slid straight onto the floor.

"I've heard of those," Ron's voice was hushed and he dropped the box of Every Flavor Beans Hermione had gotten him. "If that's what I think it is—they're really rare, and really valuable."

"What is it?" Harry and I asked the same question at the same moment, both curious.

Harry picked up our strange mystery item and stared at it in awe.

"It's an invisibility cloak," Ron explained, looking just as amazed as Harry did. "I'm sure it is—try it on."

Harry tossed whatever he was holding over his shoulders, and Ron and I both shouted out in the same moment. He seemed much more excited than I was.

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