Chapter 22

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Hours passed with the two of us just sitting there. . . long, uneventful hours. . . Really, we must've missed dinner!

Hermione didn't even seem to notice, though. Every now and then she'd try to get me to leave her alone, but she did seem to have a small, cheerful moment every time I refused. At least, that was until she went back to crying.

She seemed just about ready to leave, however, as she wiped her face and looked in the mirror again. It was starting to stink in here.

It really was starting to stink a right proper stench—something like old socks and the toilet after Uncle Vernon's done with it.

Thudding—slow and clumsy—marched outside and stopped right at the door to the lavatory. I looked at Hermione, "Do you know what that is?" She shook her head, looking just as confused, "Could it be Peeves?"

I rolled my eyes at the mention of the poltergeist, heading toward the door, "Bet he's got a bucket of rotting fish with a stench like that." "Might've dumped it on someone," she thought aloud, her gaze following me as I made my way to the door.

I was a few paces away when the door swung open on its own. Or rather, when a massive hand practically took the door off its hinges. A gasp left my body and I backed further into the room as the dull gray thing found it's way into the lavatory.

There it was, twelve tall feet of a great, lumpy body that had a disproportionately small head perched on top of it. Suddenly, the smell was a whole lot closer. Long ears that wiggled on its head, short legs as thick as tree trunks, arms long like an ape's, not to mention the massive wooden club it was dragging along the floor.

The door shut behind it, and worst of all. . . worst of all, I could've sworn I heard the lock click.

"(Y/n)? What're y—"

Hermione cut herself off with a high pitched scream, making it unmistakable that she'd just caught sight of—well whatever this thing even was.

Her scream caught it's attention, and it turned in her direction, arm dragging along the floor and swinging it's club straight at me—all the while I was distracted with her, "HERMIONE, D-"

I was forced forward, falling headfirst at the impact against the back of my skull and just barely catching myself before I face planted into the cold tile floor.

"(Y/N)!" Two separate voices called my name at the same time, though it was Hermione who pulled me into the corner under the sinks with her.

Then, the troll began knocking sinks off the wall and Harry yelled something to Ron that I couldn't hear over the clanking of the sinks and the throbbing in my head.

Ron threw something at the back of the big thing's head, and it turned around stupidly and slowly to face him, only a few feet away from me and Hermione.

After a moment of hesitation, it headed for Harry. I tried to get to my feet, to help him, but I couldn't even get myself off the ground. Hermione clung tighter onto me once I fell back down.

"Oi, pea-brain!" Ron caught its attention again, once again throwing something at it, though this time he hit its shoulder with a metal pipe.

When it turned to face Ron at the sound of his voice, Harry sprinted around it, grabbing onto me and Hermione, "Come on, run, run!"

But Hermione didn't move, and I couldn't even stand.

The massive grey thing roared and bounded toward Ron who was caught between it and a wall with nowhere to run.

Harry took off like an idiot, running straight at it and jumping so that he managed to get his arms around the thing's neck from behind, his legs kicking uselessly at its back as it howled in pain, it's arm flailing in the air and pulling its club along with it. Then, I caught sight of why it was so suddenly in pain. Harry had jumped with his wand in hand, and now his wand was stuck up one of the thing's nostrils.

Ron was the next to pull his wand, pointing up at the thing and shouting, "Wingardium Leviosa!"

The club flew out of the thing's hand and rose up above its ugly little head before it dropped down onto it. The thing swayed where it stood before it fell straight onto its face with such a strong impact the the whole room shook around us. My head hurt worse than ever at the horrid bang.

Harry stood up, trembling. Ron seemed to have frozen in place with his wand still pointing up into the air. Hermione's grip on me loosened slightly and she leaned forward a bit, "Is it. . . dead?"

"I don't think so," Harry answered, sounding out of breath, "I think it's just been knocked out."

Then, I blinked for what felt like eternity. When my eyes were back open, Hermione's voice was coming from behind me and she was talking to Professor McGonagall, who seemed to have entered the room with Professor Snape and Professor Quirrell. Professor Snape was staring coldly at Harry, but Professor Quirrell looked shaken as he sat on one of the toilets, holding a hand to his heart and staring at the thing with wide eyes.

"Please, Professor McGonagall," Hermione started frantically, "They were looking for us."

"Miss Granger!"

Then, Professor McGonagall let out a greater gasp—something I didn't think possible—, "Miss Potter!"

Professor McGonagall rushed toward me, reaching for my head and pressing on my forehead, causing an awful sting I couldn't help but hiss at.

Hermione was still frantically 'explaining herself,' "I went looking for the troll because I—I thought I could deal with it on my own—you know, because I've read all about them." Ron's wand fell out of his hand. "And I forced (y/n) to come with me; I dragged her all the way here. She didn't want to come, really!"

"Alright, alright, Miss Granger, you can explain it to me in a moment," Professor McGonagall stood up, and I blinked again. This time was longer. A lot longer.

Word Count : 1048

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