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error wandered through the wild crowds. he didnt expect to see anyone he knew at this party as no one he knew would enjoy the ear damaging volume of the music or the sheer amount of people and mosters gathered. it was a bit like a rave. and was at the top of a sky scraper at midnight. it was really the only reason for visiting aus that took place on the surface. error continued until he quite literaly ran into someone. he didnt even have time to gather himself before instictively reaching into his jacket and muttering his usual apology. "sorry sir would you like a condom thats been in my tight ass jacket for 6 hours?". error shook his head and faced the one he had charged into only to realize it was nightmare, who was wearing a disgusted face.

"why do you- ugh. no i dont. i shouldve expected to see you here.." nightmare growled. error put a hot pink condom back into his jacket with a wide smile. he quickly grabbed nightmare up in a bear hug.

"nightyyyy!~ did you really come to dance with me?~" error had already mad his move, gripping nightmares hand. "thats so sweet of you! come now my dearest sea monster we havent any time to waste! this song if perfect for dancing~". nightmare sneered and tried to pull away from error. he didnt want to dance with error at all, and especialy not to the extremely loud disco music. error only tugged nightmare back and managed to force nightmare into a little twirl before dramatically sliding back, keeping his death grip on nightmares hand. nightmare was slightly surprised; he knew error could dance pretty well but he thought it was limited to dancing on a pole. still, he wanted no part in errors mischief. he tried again to rip his hand away, this time succeding, only to be grabbed from behing once again.

errors movements were jarring to say the least. they seemed frantic, yet calm and controlled. each time nightmare tried to flee he would nearly be able to slip away just to find himseld trapped once again in errors web of rythmic movements, most of which involved the playful god showing himself off. it disgusted nightmare. on the contrary, error was having the time of his life. he didnt really care if nightmare was enjoying it as much-he was having too much fun himself. the crowd had formed a circle around the two; the onlookers clapping to the beat.

error had kept nightmare trapped in his dreadfull dance for about 10 minutes now. he hadnt broken a sweat but nightmare looked rather exhausted from trying to run and being thrown around like a rag doll as error moved. error decided it was time to finaly release nightmare, but not without a grand final. with one swift movement, error spun nightmare once again, this time leading into the classic pose that can be seen at the climax of all romantic disney movies where the hot sexy male who was just introduced two days ago (error) held the beautiful adventerous princess who had fallen in love with this dude she met that tuesday (nightmare) just below him in way that would make the princess look very stupid if he dropped her then and there. but like all disney love interests do, error went in to kiss nightmare, who was too tired and shook to fight back at first.

the second nightmare snapped back to reality, however, he quickly shoved error away. saticfied with himself, error dropped nightmare and stood up straight. nightmare scrambled to his feet and swiftly left error behind as he rubbed his mouth with such a passion he nearly cut himself on his own teeth. he wasnt sure if hed ever get the horrible flavor of pepermint and rotten flesh out of his mouth. error simply gave a sexy wave and grinned, licking his lips(?). "untill we meet again my little nightshade~" he cooed before going on about his business, enjoying himself at the rooftop party.

"Aww this Error's such a cute little character!". Yea, wait untill you realize he has nothing against molesting and raping whoever he wants.

How did they hear each other?

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