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Error couldn't take his eyes off nightmare. His body was holding them captive. Every single aspect of it. The shape, the colors.. his tentacles.. error let out a sigh of appreciation, getting nightmares attention. "What are you staring at?" Nightmare asked, sounding annoyed. He was rather busy with his paperwork and didn't really have the time for error.

"Just.. admiring you." Error said, still lost in nightmares body. Nightmare turned slightly to glance at error. The destroyers face was tinted with a bright yellow blush. Nightmare scoffed, slightly enjoying the attention. He didn't show it though and simply went back to work. Error watched nightmares tentacles. Every once in a while they would twitch, rub against each other, and make other involuntary movements. He couldn't really help himself and reached out, gently grazing one of the 4 tentacles. Just the feeling sent shivers up his spine. Nightmare turned once again to look at error.

"Now what are you doing?" He questioned. Error didn't respond as he kept stroking and fondling nightmares tentacles. Nightmare sighed and wrapped one of his appendages around errors hand, making him blush. Nightmare was slightly confused by errors reaction but dismissed it and continued his work.

Error could feel his erection slowly growing. The feeling of nightmares alluring tentacles was driving him mad with lust. He started cuddling, kissing, and over all just loving on the tentacles. Nightmare decided to simply ignore his lovers weird actions as his tentacles involuntarily felt around errors body, growing familiar with the new object touching them. Error let out a symphony of soft moans as nightmares tentacles worked away at his body. His love for the long slimy appendages completely overtaking him and forming a lump on his pants.

Nightmare only took notice to the scene when one of his tentacles brushed up against said lump, causing error to let out a loud moan. Nightmare turned to face error, who was a blushing mess. "Does this turn you on that much?" He said with an almost judgemental tone. Error couldn't get anything out but a small whimper; practically begging for the tentacles to continue their antics. Nightmare thought for a couple moments, deciding weather or not he should continue to please error. He figured it couldn't hurt. And besides, at this rate they'd be done very soon.

Nightmare stood from his desk and faced error, who was lying on his back on nightmares bed. Nightmares tentacles slowly behind prodding and playing with errors body, some slipping under his shirt and in his pants where they were met with his very erect member. Slowly, the tentacles managed to strip error, revealing a rather stunning royal blue body and a fairly large penis that was softly throbbing.

This all felt wonderful to error. Just the feeling of the slick black tentacles against his body was enough to make him leak out a bit of pre-cum. He didn't care at all though for who they were attached to. He only loved these glorious appendages. He continued his moans of lust and pleasure as the tentacles worked his body. They felt just a slight bit slimy, allowing them to glide easily over errors plasmic skin. None of them had directly gone for errors member though, which was driving the destroyer insane. He desperately craved relief from the powerful lust surging through his body. It was beginning to feel painful even.

Suddenly, one of the four tentacles ravaging errors body made a bee line for his dick, wrapping around it, and jerking it off quickly. This caused error to nearly scream with pleasure as he bucked his hips. He started panting heavily, barely able to breathe between all his moans and small yelps. The speed the tentacle moved at felt amazing combined with how tight it was holding. Nightmare watched the scene playing out before him with amusement, oblivious to the fact that he had become a third wheel.

Another one of the tentacles managed to slip into errors mouth and was now playing with his tongues. It felt just like a kiss to error. He savored the sweet, yet bitter apple flavor of the tentacle as it explored his mouth. It continued it's actions for a while as the other tentacles did their work on other parts of the skeletons body, and once it was finished it joined another tentacle on errors member. Error felt his ejaculation building quickly. He didn't have time to warn the tentacles before a shot of thick white cum erupted from his dick. Not like he could speak anyways. The tentacles all paused for a moment and one started to clean the mess as two others started working at errors dick. This left only one to explore error, but he was fine with it.

Nightmare decided on errors second ejaculation that the two had had enough for tonight and began cleaning the area. "I didn't know you were into tentacles like that." He muttered to error and the multi-colored skeleton dressed himself.

"I'm not really.. but yours.. I don't know. Something about them feels wonderful." Error responded. Once fully clothed, he snuggled back up to the sleek appendages of nightmares back. He felt at peace while he was near them, almost completely forgetting about nightmare.

From that day on nightmare noticed how whenever he and error were together error would spend massive amounts of time simply staring at nightmare. Not nightmare himself, though, but his tentacles. He didn't want to admit it but he was ever so slightly jealous of his own limbs. This never effected the relationship though, luckily. Error would constantly be cuddled up to the black tentacles, and often times he would kiss or even fall asleep in them. Nightmare just figured his lover had a weird obsession though and didn't think much of it. One time, at night as the couple were getting ready to sleep, error wished both nightmare and his tentacles a good night. "You know they aren't living things right?" Nightmare said, slightly amused.

"Yea I know. But I wanted to tell them good night. Is there something wrong with that?" Error said and he held a tentacle in one hand and stroked it with the other.

"I suppose not." Nightmare muttered as he hugged error, spooning him in the bed. Error didn't care much for the action until nightmare also wrapped his tentacles around error. He almost instantly fell asleep with them now wrapped around him.

A couple weeks later nightmares love for error had grown, and errors love for the tentacles had as well. He did like nightmare a little bit, enough to enjoy kissing and having sex with him. But his heart belonged the the tentacles.

Nightmare looked at the small black ring box he was holding. He knew error was the one for him. He'd never felt like this with anyone before. He loved how the destroyer always gave nightmare constant attention, even if it got a little annoying sometimes. And how error did his best to keep nightmare safe. Nightmare was ready to propose to the love of his life now. He prayed to himself that the beautiful skeleton would say yes.

Nightmare approached error, who was standing near a fountain where nightmare said to meet him. "Why are we here?" Error asked as nightmare pecked error on the cheek.

"I have a surprise for you." Nightmare answered sweetly. Error tilted his head as his eyes were drawn to the long black protrusions surrounding nightmare.

"Oh?" Error asked again. Nightmare smiled warmly, if not slightly nervous as he knelt down onto one knee and held out the small ring box, opening it to reveal a ring studded with a single black diamond.

"Yes," nightmare said, trying to keep his voice steady. "Will you.. marry me?" He managed to spit out. He could practically feel his throat closing up as his mind screamed for him not to continue. With the anxiety building in his body, nightmare could feel his face burning up as a heavy blush formed. Error studied the ring in amazement. He thought deeply for about 5 seconds, but one glance to the lowered tentacles made him say yes. He would love to be married to those slick goopy tendrils.

I wanted to do something more retarded for this chapter, maybe having Nightmares tentacles detach from his body and running away with Error. But I also like this. There's sex. So it's good.

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