Nightmare Dares to Show Weakness

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Error had no idea what he could have done to deserve such a cruel fate. He'd simply been walking, exploring Nightmare's castle. Enjoying himself. When across his path came a dreadful beast.

An absolutely massive house centipede snaked it's wretched body out from nowhere and stopped right in front of Error. Of course, he froze in terror. There was no way he'd come any closer to such a monstrosity.

".. Nightmare?? Nightmare! Get over here!" Error screamed out after a while of being frozen in fear. He didn't care if he had to be the whiny lover who called his big strong boyfriend to kill a bug. He was justified to do so. This was the biggest centipede he'd ever seen in his life.

After a short while of waiting, his goopy savior formed beside Error, his body coming out of the floors. "Hmm..?" He grunted. He looked like he'd just woken up.

"Why do you smell of.." Nightmare rubbed the sleep out of his eye and sniffed the air a bit like an animal. "Pure unrelenting terror..?"

"That's why you sleepy bastard! Kill it!" Error demanded in true spoiled brat fashion, pointing down at the horrific bug a ways away from the two that had yet to move a wispy leg.

Nightmare blinked a few times, but decided to simply let Error's blatant disrespect slide for now. He was a bit too groggy to properly punish his insolence with an appropriate amount of teases and embarrassing remarks.

Lazily dragging his eye light to follow Error's finger, Nightmare was also met with the sight of one of the biggest bugs he'd seen in all his years. It made him flinch just from the sight.

But he couldn't show weakness now. If ever there was a time to impress a god, it was now. Besides, the thing wasn't even moving. It was an easy target. But now Nightmare just had to get in his remark.

"Hm. Very well then. Fret not, m'lady, I shall vanquish this foul beast~" he cooed in his best heroic voice. Error seemed unamused as his eye-roll recommended.

Nightmare prepared to make good on his word, popping off his slipper and approaching closer than he'd ever normally come to a bug willingly. But he still made sure to show no weakness as he brought his footwear down onto his unsuspecting victim, the slightly drenched slipped making a satisfying slap against the marble floor. He sensed Error come closer to see if the thing was dead, and Nightmare didn't wait to show off the remains of his kill.

Lifting up his slipper, he proudly displayed.. nothing?

Nightmare turned his slipper over to glance at the sole. Nothing. Was this some kind of prank? Nightmare turned his slipper over again and out from the area that would conceal ones toes came the hundred-legged monstrosity. The thing made a beeline for Nightmares hand, and the prince felt it's tiny legs make contact his his fingers.

In a split second, his eye light narrowed like a cat's and both he and Error screamed in unison, creating a harmony of horrified noise, followed by a thud as Nightmare fell backwards as he viciously shook his hand.

"What are you doing??? You're supposed to be the fearless one!!" Error scolded despite his terror.

Nightmare scrambled to his feet and grabbed Error by the collar of his undershirt with more rage than he'd ever shown towards his partner.

"That god damned thing touched me you hypocrite, tell me you wouldn't do the same." He hissed. Error sneered back, but looked past Nightmare to see the centipede sprinting back towards them with nothing but hate in its eyes. Nightmare followed Error's gaze behind him and jumped when he noticed the fast approaching bug.

He tried his hand again at killing the centipede, stomping at it with the foot that still had a slipper on it. But the beast practically dodged around his attempts, this time aiming its fury at Error, who promptly screeched and tripped over his own feet in desperate attempt to get away.

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