3: The status of parents in the light of a holy tradition.

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     In Arabic,being obedient and dutiful toward parents is called birrul walidain " the literal meaning of   Al-birr truth, obedience and improvement. The opposite is Aqooq.
         In shari'ah the word Al-birr has wider implications, which includes helping parents, acting upon Devine injunctions,respecting and obeying parents , constantly working for their pleasure, serving them with devotion, treating them gently and removing hardship that may troubled them. There is a sayings of Allah's messenger (SAW);
{البر حسن الخلق}
"To do good is a good character"
  Abdullahi bin Masood (RA), a companion of the holy prophet (SAW) excelled in doing good deeds,once, wanting to earn the pleasure of Allah Almighty,he asked the prophet SAW
{أي الأعمال أحب إلي الله تعالى؟}
"Which deed is dearest to Allah ?."
The prophet replied,
{الصلاة على وقتها}
"To say the prayers at the times ,". Then the companion asked, "what is the next good deed dearest to Allah ?" The prophet {SAW} answered ; "to be good, obedient and dutiful to your parents"
  The prophet SAW ranked obedience and dutifulness to parents second only to prayers.
  Once another companion, Jahimah bin Abbas, came to the messenger of Allah SAW and said very respectfully, " I intend to go for jihad with you and seek your advice in this regard." The messenger of Allah , the well wisher and teacher of the whole ummah asked him,
{هل لك من أم}.
"Is you mother alive?."
    Jahimah answered;" yes, my mother is alive." The prophet SAW, the most truthful person ever born said;
{فالز مها فإن الجنة تحتة رجليها}
"Go, serve your mother, for paradise lies under her feet."!!

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