5: Be kind to your parent.

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Who among you doesn't wish for a long and prosperous life.? No one want to die young. The prophet SAW has provided a sure formula for a fulfilment of such desires in the following tradition
{من سره أن يمد له في عمره ويز ا د له في رزقه فليبر والديه وليصل رحمه.}
"Whoever wishes for a long life and increase his sustenance should be obedient and dutiful toward his/her parent and should maintain good relations with the kith and kids.
              (Musnad Ahmad: 3/267)
Imamu tirmidhi has narrated another saying of the messenger of Allah SAW as follows;
{لا يريد في العمر إلا البر.}
"Kind treatment of parent is a cause of longevity."
           (Jami' tirmidhi, Al qadar, hadeeth:2139.)
Some wise people also stated that treating our parents kindly and having good relations with kith and kids extends life and provides greater prosperity, even if this is the behavior of a sinful person.

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