Chapter one

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Aleksandra's P.O.V

I wake up with a start, the nightmares were coming back. The only thing I always saw was just chaos and war, dead people, the Avengers dead. I was always on the top of it, I was the one with the weapon in my hands. Always next to me there they were, the Maximoff, they are there with me, I thought they were dead. The sound of a door opening got me out of my trance, I take the gun under my pillow and I load it quietly.

I feel a hand touching my shoulder gently and I move my left hand so I judo flip the person, I point the gun at it and my eyes widen "Natasha?" I ask.

Natasha was on the floor, my gun at her head, she looked calmed, too calmed actually. "Sorry but I thought you were still sleeping" she says "can you put the gun down so I can stand up and tell you the mission?"

I nodded and put the gun away, I sit on the bed, I was living with Natasha since the battle of New York. She was my cousin, well second cousin, but she treats me like family. She gave me a home and family, the Avengers. "Sorry for doing that again Nat" I whisper and I put the gun under my pillow again.

"Is okay Alex" she says and I sighs "you're okay?" She asks.

I nodded "yeah, just nightmares" I whisper "the usual."

She sighs "you know you can tell me" she says and I nod. She always knows when to talk and when to not talk, maybe is because we are Russian. "Steve called, he said that we will go to Sokova. Strucker is there and he has Loki's scepter" she says and I smile lightly "we need you as the backup, we need you to help us clear the path as Tony tries to enter the building" she says and I sigh.

"When do we leave?" I ask and she smiles "give me two minutes" I say and she nods before getting out. I put on my black leggings, my long combat boots, my black shirt and dark green leather jacket. I look at myself in the mirror, I take my cut from the fingers gloves and I brush my dark brown hair quickly, my light brown eyes are tired.

I look at the mirror and I see the pendant that Pietro gave me when we were ten, it was a lighting bolt. I grabbed it and I put it on, I sigh. I miss them, I miss the twins. I walk out of my room in two minutes as I promised, I grab my gun and I look at Natasha "ready to go little cousin?" she says.

I nod and we get out of the house, I see the jet already there. Steve smiles at us when we enter and Clint is about to scare me but I move my hand and he is pinned to the wall surrounded in a green dust "you need to better than that to scare me" I say and I sit next to Natasha.

The way there was really long, I think Fury called because Natasha was paying extra attention to the computer in the pilot seat. Fury always wants to make sure I come with them, they decided to give me a name, but they haven't found it yet. Which is good since I think they will give me a stupid name or a really funny one. The jet shakes a bit as we land, I am the first one getting out as always.

"Okay" Steve says "we need to get Loki's scepter, is in that big building and Stark will try to get there first" he says then looks at Nat and Clint "Romanoff and Barton, I need you to get on that car and fire at the rest, we need to say as a surprise so don't shoot until they starts shooting you. Banner, we will call you if it is a green code. Stark, enter that building. Thor, you will help me to not get killed."

I just stand there waiting for my orders "what about me?" I ask crossing my arms.

"Aleksandra, you stay here, we will call you if we need you" he says and I sigh.

"It will be fun I suppose" I say and I sit next to Banner inside the jet as everyone leaves. Banner is like my uncle, he would take care of me when the others left, and I will make him company until they call it a green code.

Natasha's P.O.V
"You're sure you want to leave Alex there?" I ask Steve as we start moving "she wants to help Steve."

"I won't risk it to get her hurt and you know it" Steve says and I got on the truck "she will try to clam down Banner after all."

"I know she will" I say and sigh "don't get yourself killed captain" I say before Clint gets on and I start driving.

"She will be okay Nat" Clint says "if we need her you know she will heal quickly when she gets hurt."

"Thanks Barton" I say then I hear gun shots "I think the surprise effect is over."

Wanda P.O.V
We hear gunshots, I look at Pietro worried "they are here" I whisper and he hugs me. I hug back and I sigh, I remember when we were ten, the last time we saw Aleksandra.

"Can you stop them?" Strucker says as he enters the room.

"Sir they are the Avengers" one of the gush there says and I roll my eyes. I look at Pietro and he nods.

"They are not ready!" Strucker says and I know he means us, we are ready but he doesn't want to risk us? He's crazy. I can kill him with a simple wrist movement and he thinks we are not ready.

"Let's go and kick the Avengers' ass" Pietro says and he picks me up.

I frown and nod, he uses his super-speed and he takes us outside. I look at the forest and I see a guy shooting arrows and I see the guy with his star shield coming to the building "how about you take care of the Robin Hood and I take care of the Star man?" I ask.

Pietro smile "it will be a pleasure" he says and he leaves.


This is the first chapter! Yay!
Okay so, this contains SPOILERS! Just to tell you if you haven't seen the movie, here are SPOILERS.
Don't forget to:





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