Chapter eleven

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Aleksandra's P.O.V

I wake up in my bed, I feel a bit dizzy and I rub my head. What happened? The last thing I remember is the train, the train about to crash me and kill me. What am I doing in my room? What happened? Where were the rest? I starting to panic, I get up and I groan.

I hear people arguing, I get to Stark's laboratory in a few minutes. I keep hearing people arguing "stop arguing!" Wanda shouts. I see her standing next to Pietro, Steve is with the twins, Banner is about to get mad and Stark is talking about Jarvis and the body Ultron has on the Cradle.

I see blue dust moving around and then the Cradle is disconnected, I see Pietro standing on glass holding one of the cables. He smiles when he looks at me, I smile back, I get out of the shadows and I hear a gunshot. Pietro falls to the floor when the glass under him breaks, he falls "what? You didn't saw that coming?" Clint says.

"Pietro!" Wanda says then Banner grabs her by the neck and I glare at Stark as he hits Steve and he hits the wall.

I don't know how, but Thor enters and hits the Cradle with lightning. "No!" Steve says then a human, that has red skin, gets out of the Cradle.

It looks at us then it hits Thor, Thor hits him and he goes flying to the window. It stop as I see it about to hit the window, I don't care who he is, why he is here. I just care about Pietro, I get down and I see he is already standing up. He smiles at me and I hug him "Pietro..." I whisper and I hug him tightly.

"Hey Alex" he says softly and hugs be back "I missed you my Green Light" he says and I blush a bit at the nickname he always gave me.

Clint stares at us wide eyed as the others do, yeah I know him, so what? He's my childhood friend, as Wanda is, my Pietro is alive. I hug him tighter before I hear the reddish human speak "I'm not Ultron" he says and my eyes widen, was that Jarvis' voice?

"Jarvis?" I ask softly but Pietro pulls me closer to him.

The reddish human nods "hi Alex" it says and smiles lightly.

I see Wanda staring at me with her eyes wide "Alex?" She says softly before Pietro lets me go and I hug Wanda "you're alive" she says with tears in her eyes as we hug.

"Hey Wandy" I whisper and we hug tightly "missed me?"

"Of course we did!" She says and I see everyone, except Pietro, glaring at us.

"Yes I know them" I say as I pull away from Wanda and Clint puts me behind him like if I was someone to protect.

"Stay away from Alex" he says and I try to move "stay away from my little girl."

"We don't have time for this, we have to go, now" Steve says "if Ultron is going to take over the world, well destroy it, we have to start moving, now."

I nod and I move away from Clint, I go to my room to get ready. I put my normal outfit, they are alive. The twins are back here with me, Pietro is with me again. I see I have the necklace and I smile, I remember the promise we did when we were five, we would date when we got to be sixteen. I think that promise was never accomplished, we are twenty-one, and we are still friends.

I look at myself in the mirror and I gasp when I see someone leaning on the door, by instinct I make a green sphere and I throw it. I see the blue dust move away and now Pietro is standing next to me "hey, you could have hurt me" he says smiling.

"Sorry" I whisper and I put my gloves on "it was by instinct."

He smiles and touches my necklace "you still wear it" he says and he looks at me with his icy blue eyes, he touches my cheek gently "I missed you."

I blush lightly and I smile "I still wear it, to remember you" I whisper and I look at him when my eyes glow green "I missed you too."

"Why does the old man takes care of you like that?" He asks and he kisses my forehead.

I blush a bit and I look at him "because he is like a father to me, he has taken care of me since my parents died, he and Natasha" I say and he smiles.

He brushes my cheek with his index finger gently, like if he makes a rough movement I'll break. "Alex...I want to tell you something" he whispers then he leans close to me, our noses touching, our lips almost brushing. We are about to kiss, like the first time we did, when we were five.

Our lips brush for a second before I hear someone clearing its throat, I pull away quickly and I see Clint standing in the door, he glares at Pietro and I sigh "we are leaving right now, if I wasn't interrupting something" he says and gives me a communicator "I found Nat, she's in Sokovia."

Hello! Here's the chapter! Sorry I didn't update but like I said before I might not update because of school. The girl in the gif is Aleksandra (actually is Crystal Reed, but I like her as Alex) I hope,you liked the chapter, and thanks for 15K! Thank you guys! Thanks for the 660 votes! Don't forget to:

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