Chapter nineteen

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Steve's P.O.V

Is a Sunday morning, it had been a week since Alex died, today is her funeral. I sit up on my bed and I rub my temple, she can't be dead, we all expected for her to open her eyes and smile at us. But no, that didn't happened, her pale body was laying there, her eyes closed. I sigh and I stand up, I put on a black suit to go to her funeral, I'm going to buy a white rose on the way there, she loved white roses.

We are all devastated because of her death, but not as much as Pietro and Natasha are. Natasha hasn't talked much like before, is not that she galled a lot before...but she just speaks to me and Clint. Pietro stays in his room with Wanda, we made rooms for them since they are Avengers now. Pietro just talks to Wanda, he hasn't sleep, he hasn't eat. Wanda said he is in a really deep depression state, but the bad thing is that he doesn't want help. He blames himself telling it should had been me.

I sigh as I get out of my room, I fix my tie and I walk down the hall. It's a rainy day and it fits perfectly with the situation, a funeral, I haven't been to much funerals but I know what to do and how it feels. I feel like my heart had just been tore apart and kind of fixed itself leaving a whole in the center. People often asked me if I liked Alex, no I didn't liked her, she was like my little sister. The little sister I never had.

I see Nat is trying to hold back the tears a she walks to Clint, who hugs her tightly, we all know that she got really affected so we don't get close to her unless she asks to. I sigh as I walk past them, I know in the Twins room lightly "Wanda? Pietro?" I ask.

Wanda opens the door slowly, revealing her in a black dress, her hair falling down her back, she looks like she has been crying. She looks down before speaking "Pietro we have to go" she whispers.

Pietro is on the back of the room trying to not keep crying, I could see he tried to make himself look less affected and better than he actually looked. I sigh and he sprints out of the door, leaving blue dust behind him. "It wasn't his fault" I whisper as I see him leave.

Wanda keeps looking down as she starts walking "I know, but he thinks it is his fault" she says as we walk out. The drop slowly fall on my head, maybe it will be just a little rainy day.

For some weird reason the Twins only talked me and Clint, like if they just trusted us. I felt kind of special thanks to that, but it doesn't actually makes me feel better. I looked at her sadly before she rubbed a scar on the palm of her hand, I hadn't noticed before, we get out of the Avengers' Tower and I decide to ask "what happened in your hand?"

She looks at me np before glancing at her scar "this?" She says and rubs it gently "is from a blood pact...." She whispers "when we were kids, I made a blood pact with Alex, that we wouldn't get separated. Maybe not sisters by blood but sisters by heart" she said as a tear fell down her cheek.

I rub her arm gently, she smiles lightly at me as we arrive to a flower shop. I ask for a white rose and Wanda asks for a blue one "she liked it when we gave her blue stuff" she says.

We pay and we walk to the cemetery, I see Pietro in front of Alex coffin, he falls to his knees and I can hear sobbings. We walk to him and in no matter of minutes almost everyone is there, people all dressed in black holding red roses in their hands. While Pietro is holding the necklace of his chest, Wanda makes him stand up, he stands next to her as he keeps whispering I'm sorry Alex, I'm so sorry. The rain starts to increase as we all stand there in silence.

I really feel bad for him, after years of thinking that she was dead, they saw each other and she was now dead and for real. I couldn't imagine what would I do if that happened to me. They slowly start to put the coffin down the hole on the ground. Natasha was with Clint, both of them holding hands,mine trying not to cry and he was there for her if she starts crying.

When Alex's coffin was on the hole, people threw their flowers to the hole. I sigh as I threw my white rose and Wanda threw her blue rose. They started to fill up the hole and some people started to leave. That included Tony and Banner "this is your fault" Pietro says as Tony and Banner start to walk away "if it wasn't for your stupid robot she would still be alive."

My eyes widen at what he just said, it's not Tony- wait it actually is but who cares? We defeated Ultron and we saved an entire city. "Wait, you say is my fault?" Tony asks "who was the one that didn't saved her?"

I wanted to punch Tony so bad, but I'm a gentleman and I don't hit girls. I can see Pietro about to blow up, Wanda grabs his hand trying to calm him down. "It was no one's fault" Natasha says "she sacrificed herself for us, she died a hero."

Wanda nods and keeps trying to calm down Pietro "she was a hero for all of us"she says.

I nod as well and I look at Tony "you made the robot but we didn't knew the things that would happen after that" I say and I see how Pietro looks at Alex's grave with tears in his eyes.

"Can we go back to the tower?" Clint says as Natasha starts to shiver.

I nod and Tony glares at me and at Pietro before getting in his car, leaving us alone to find our way back to the tower in the rain.

Hello! Sorry for not updating before! But I was busy and I won't be on from tomorrow until Tuesday. Thanks for all your comments and votes guys! Don't forget to:




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