Chapter twenty

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Pietro's P.O.V

I'm walking down the street, I hate it when I have to hide my powers. SHIELD says that is better if I stop using for a while, why? I have no idea. I'm really mad at Tony for what he said at the...the-the funeral...I know I should had saved her, but I didn't realized she was there. I-i thought I left her at the transporter. Is my fault, is always my fault.

I sigh as I take a look at the cemetery, Alex is buried down there, and is my fault. I walk to a coffee shop named 'Starbucks' I enter and I order the usual, a mocha frappe, I sit by the window looking at the table. I take my necklace out of my pocket and I stare at it, today we would had been celebrating a year of dating, but she had to die.

Tell me! Why the good always has to die? Why not me? I sigh as I press the locket to my chest, sometimes I feel like she's here somewhere, watching me taking care of me. I know is not possible but I thought I saw her yesterday here at the coffee shop, but it couldn't be her. She's dead. Completely dead.

I have been thinking about dying to be with her, but I know is not a very good option. Alex wouldn't liked it that way, she would like me to move on even though I can't move on without her. I did before because we were kids and I didn't understood completely the concept of dying, but now that I'm older, it hurts more that I lost her again.

Maybe if I die, very thing would be okay, they would stop blaming me of her death. They would stop everything, the pain, the loss, everything. I don't want to leave Wanda, but I can't take the pain anymore, I just can't. Maybe is just in matter of time before I do something people call stupid like jumping from the Avengers Tower.

That day is not today, not yet, I can't let my sister alone. I look at the window, what a beautiful day for these depressing thoughts don't you think? I wasn't like this, when I found out she was alive I got happier on the inside, forgetting about everything that hurt. She was my happiness, for the little time I was with her, she was still my happiness. I really loved her, I will always love her, I still do love her. I remember when we were kids and I asked her if she loved me.

"Come on Alex! Admit it! You love me!" I said as I started to tickle Alex.

"No I don't!" She said laughing and I kept tickling her "stop it! I surrender!"

I smiled as I stopped "I'm the King!" I said as I smiled and let myself rest on top of her.

"You're too heavy!" She said as she tried to push me away.

"I'll move until you admit you love me!" I said as I smiled "you love me Alex?"

She blushed a lot and shook her head "no I don't!" She said and I smiled.

"I love you" I said and I kissed her cheek, making her blush more and she covered her face.

I can't believe I remember it as if it was yesterday, is just too painful for me. I sigh and I look down, I look at the coffee and I sigh again. I miss her, I really do, she can't just die, I couldn't had lost her again. I look at my watch and I sigh 2:30 pm, well now I have to get back. I sigh and I look down, I stand up and I bump with someone, with a girl. "Sorry" she said quickly.

I look at her "no, I'm sorry, I should had seen where I was walking" I whisper then I look at her, she quickly looks down.

"Okay" she whispers and I look at her "well, see ya" she says before going to order her coffee.

I saw green eyes, she had green eyes. The type of green eyes Alex had when she used her powers. No, it couldn't be her. Alex is dead, it hurts to say it but is true, she's...dead. I look down and I get out. I go to the Avengers Tower to see if we have a mission. I see Steve and Natasha sitting next to each other and Steve tries to comfort Natasha. Wanda is with Vision, he's trying to learn something from the human world by Wanda.

Since Ultron, Wanda and Vision have been more close to each other, she would tell him about the human world and he lived to learn about that stuff. I sigh and I see Clint counting his arrows, Tony is at the phone then he jumps of excitement "guess what? Christmas arrived early!" He says and I roll my eyes.

"I don't understand that reference" Steve says and I smirk lightly.

"It means we have a mission" Tony says "and a very good one" he says happily.

Natasha rolls her eyes "what is it about?" She asks.

"We have to go with Fury so we can get a boat that was stolen back to the government" he says.

"What's the good thing in that?" Bruce asks.

"That! Is a really, really advanced boat" Tony says "and...that's it, get moving!" We all stood in our spots "now!" Tony says but we don't move.

"Go get ready, see you in forty minutes" Steve says and we all go back to our rooms.

Tony growls light and I side smile. I go to my room to get ready, I put my jogging pants on, my blue long sleeve shirt, my running shoes and my necklace, which I place around my neck. I look at myself in the reflection, I look fine but I'm broken and dying on the inside. I move my white hair out of my face and I sigh.

Wanda knocks on my door and hugs me, I quickly hug her back "ready for the mission?" She asks.

Hello! Sorry for making you wait for so long! But I just wanted to make sure you saw the trailer mrsmalik892 made for this book! Thank you so much for the amazing trailer! I love it! If you can't see it in here, I'll leave the link in the comments so you can see it on YouTube. Anyway guys, don't forget to:





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