Chapter 18

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"So?" Tsunami demanded. "What in all of Pyrrhia happened to you guys? First you have a fight about one measly scavenger-" Winter opened his snout to argue that Bandit wasn't a 'measly scavenger', but the Seawing glared at him, and he shut his mouth. "-And now you're almost killing each other and talking back to the Headmistress of this school! Mirage, why were you attacking Winter?"

"He provoked me," She admitted. "My instincts were just kicking in. Sorry."

"Talons and teeth, why would your 'Instincts' include almost killing a fellow student in this moon-cursed PEACEFUL school?" Tsunami demanded.

"Um," Mirage said. "Scorpion Den? Hello, me, an assassin in this school shouldn't have instincts, so, lalala, I'll just fix all my habits of being cautious in TWO days, and just give up my work in the Scorpion Den and I'll just starve to death when school actually ends. Awesome. Just great."

Tsunami sighed, rubbing her temples with her talons. 

"Sunny, I asked for a whole bunch of dragonets who are RESPONSIBLE, CAN LISTEN TO ORDERS, and what do I get? Two rambunctious dragonets who fight every second!" She grumbled.  

"I am giving you ONE last chance before I lose my temper and make you clean all sleeping caves." She said after a moment.

"Didn't you already lose your temper?" Winter demanded. 


Mirage sighed. 

"This was all your fault," She muttered furiously at Winter. 

He didn't reply except a low growl, and just stomped towards his cave. Mirage rolled her eyes, then walked to her own cave. They had finished their punishment, and missed the rest of school. Her stomach was growling, as the two didn't get to have a lunch break.

"Hi, Mirage!" Kinkajou whispered from her hammock. Moon was asleep, curled in a bundle of black scales, breathing in and out softly. Carnelian grunted in her sleep, turning around with a growl. "Why weren't you in history or any other classes?"

"Don't talk to me right now, I'm feeling especially grumpy right now because of a certain troublemaking Icewing," Mirage hissed. Kinkajou fell silent, and the hybrid went over to her own bed and rummaged around her stash of food. She ate a couple of lizards, and turned around in the warm sand.

"You're not going to murder me in my sleep, right?" Kinkajou asked sleepily. Mirage stifled a snort of amusement.

"No, unless you're my target. Which it isn't." She closed her eyes.

"Okay. Goodnight."

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