Chapter 68

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After a day with Jerboa, Jasmin was already feeling better.

"Thanks for taking me in," She said again.

"No problem," Jerboa laughed. "Even though you were slightly mad and paranoid and a mess."

"I do not deserve that," Jasmin snorted back a laugh.

"You totally do not," Jerboa agreed. "But are you sure you want to go in a storm like this?"

It had been raining and the wind had been whipping through the beach like its life depended on it as soon as Jasmin had stood up to leave.

"I should be fine," She told the SandWing. "Big bad assassin, right?"

Jerboa, however, was serious. "I mean it."

"Okay," Jasmin grinned. "I totally super mean that I'm a big bad assassin."

Jerboa burst out laughing. "You know what I mean, Jasmin!"

"Sure," She waved, and called, "Bye!"

"Visit me soon!" Jerboa shouted. Jasmin flapped her wings and lifted into the dark gray sky. The ocean below thrashed furiously. Just as she turned to tell Jerboa that she would, a tree smashed into her side.

"Jasmin!" Jerboa cried.

"Argh!" Jasmin flailed around in the wind, her wings flinging helplessly as she tried to find balance. "Stupid tree!"

"Jasmin!" Her friend yelled again.

"I'll be fine!" Jasmin gasped from under large green leaves. "Go back inside!"

She felt the tip of her tail-barb grazing cold water, and flapped hard agains the howling wind. Jasmin tried wrestling the tree out of her face, but it pushed towards her like a magnet. She fell slightly, the wind tossing her around like a dragonet's toy. Her tail plunged deep into the salty ocean.

"No!" Jerboa sounded worried. "Watch out for the wa-"

Just as she said that, a huge wave engulfed Jasmin and washed her away from the sandy beach. 

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