Being Official/first kiss

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*Wink* *Wink* *nudge* *nudge*
This is going to be very very VERY cheesy btw
Not edited

You two were walking back to your house after having another date but when you got to your house you noticed that Slender was a bit quiet. "is something wrong slender?" You asked him, he doesn't answer you "slen-" you were caught off guard when you felt slender's "lips" on top of yours.

When you both pull back you can't help but notice his blush "sorry" he says awkwardly, you giggle "its okay."

Jeff the killer
You were currently chasing Jeff around your house because he currently has your phone and he's looking at very embarrassing selfies that you have on your phone that you'll never post ever "But y/n you look so cute in this oneeeeee" he whines

"S-shut up! Just give it back!" You blush. unexpectedly Jeff turns around making you crash into him and making the both of you fall with you straddling him, you blush and he smirks but he did something unexpectedly... he kissed you

Jeff the fricken killer kissed you

BEN Drowned
You were playing a video game but eventually you fell asleep, little did you know Ben had crawled out of your TV and he watched you sleep (unicorn:*cough* creeper *cough*) Ben couldn't hold back any longer and he kissed you.

Feeling embarrassed he made his way back to the TV "you should kiss people when there awake, not when you think they are sleeping you know" you said, he shrieked like a little girl when he heard you making you laugh until your stomach hurt.

You and Masky were playing hide and seek in the forest, sure it was fun and all but then it started getting dark "M-Masky?" You called out for him, the forest got incredibly creepy and you didn't like it.

"Masky!" You called out for him again. you felt something grab your arm and you were about to scream but then you felt lips against yours, you opened your eyes only to see Masky's mask but pulled up a bit, you relaxed a bit relieved that it was him, when you took broke apart his quickly fixed his mask "sorry"

(I think this scenario is so cute omg)

You and Hoody being the little kids you guys were, running around the woods,.Hoody ran up to you and spun you around making you giggle a bit and with out warning he moved his mask and kissed you. of course you kissed back and when you two broke apart you just smiled attach other and went back to running around the woods

Sonic. EXE
You my friend were just relaxing in bed minding your own business until Sonic walked in and full on kissed you on the lips and when he pulled away all he said was "we are officially boyfriend and girlfriend now" and walked away

Ticci Toby
"Hey y/n?" You hear Toby ask from beside you, "mm hmm?" You hum "w-we're together right? Like actual boyfriend and girlfriend?"

You look at him surprised "of course!" he sighs in relief "great, now I know I can do this" you were about to ask what but t
You got cut off from the feeling of warm lips on yours.

"Hey y/n?" You hear E.J ask "yeah?" You answer him "c-can i uh never mind" "can you what ?" You ask "i-it's nothing I'm fine" "no tell me I want to know" welliwasgoingtoaskificouldkissyoubut-" (translation: well I was going to ask if I could kiss you but-) you cut him off with a kiss and giggle "you don't have to ask for a kiss silly

Lost Silver
Silver and you were on the couch watching a movie, but you noticed he was more quiet than usual "silver are you okay?" He responds with a question "c-c-can I-I kiss y-you?" You look at him surprised then giggle "of course" he smiles shyly and slowly pushes his lips onto yours.

hallelujah! I finished!!!! (^^〜)(〜^^) again I'm soooo sorry that I couldn't post this sooner but I posted it right! Well it's 12:30 so I should probably get to bed bc it's a school night (◕✿) ANYWAY I hope you guys liked it I will be in summer vacation soon so expect more updates
Speaking of updates what would you guys like for the next chapter?


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