Meeting him

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*feel free to criticize it helps my writing*


You were walking in the forest the dark, why you ask? You were lost.

"Help me" you say out loud reading a random note that was on a tree.

''i would gladly.'' a monotone voice says from behind.

You turn around to see a man but this wasn't any normal man, he was unusually tall, had tentacles coming from his back and he was faceless all he had was a white head.

"W-who are you" you ask a little afraid

'' Do not be afraid I am slender man I have come to help you find your way out of my forest and may i ask what is your name?" he says

'umm my name is ____'' you say rocking back and forth on your heels

''what a lovely name'' he says making you turn pink ''well if you want to ind your way home I suggest you follow me'' he says beckoning you to follow him.

and you did, he did show you to your house, you thanked him and went inside not getting your mind off of him.......

Jeff The Killer

It was 3:30 in the morning, you couldn't sleep for some weird reason that night, luckily it wasn't a school night.

Just as you were about to fall asleep you heard your window open 'well great a fucking burglar just broke into my house"you thought to yourself

you pretended to sleep hoping the person would go away but oh how you were wrong, the person ripped off your blanket then put something cold and sharp around your neck that's when you let your eyes fly open and say an extremely pale man with raven colored hair a with hoodie a smile carved into his face and burnt eyelids

he looked at you for a minute and sighed ''I was going to kill you but your kinda cute so you owe me'' he then jumped out the window.

you layed there for a while debating on if you should be relived he didn't kill you or terrified that he is coming back...

BEN Drowned

Your friend gave you an old copy of Majoras Mask knowing you were a gaming type of girl though he/she looked frantic to give to you (Unicorn: geez! i wonder why?! * sarcastic voice*)

when went to make a new profile there was another one called Ben you payed no mind to it so you deleted it and started a new game.

as you were playing the game started to get really glitchy, and words appeared on the screen "you've met a terrible fate haven't you" then you saw a body coming out of the T.V

once the person got out of T.V you looked at him in shock for a second then started to throw the pillow that were on the sofa yelling "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU STRANGE PERSON WHO CAME OUT OFF THE TV IS THAT EVEN LOGICALLY POSSIBLE!!!!"

"okay! Okay! stop throwing things and I'll tell you who I am!" he yells, i get a closer look at him he looks exactly like link but he has read eyes.

''my name is Ben Drowned and i was about to kill you buut i let this one slide'' he says while smirking

i nod ''I'm ____'' i say ''nice to meet you ____ I'm going to go now but i'll see you later'' he say,disappearing into the TV


You worked at a local bakery near your house. You were currently walking home with a strawberry cheesecake in your hand because the bakery had extras.

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