He's Acting Reallllllyyyyy Nice

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Me: *crawling up from the void of writers block*

Me: *panting* I'm back bitches

Requested by @-dusty

*not edited*

At first it was cute, Slender would bring you flowers, give you massages, give you compliments whenever he could, and even buy you new clothes. But now? Now it was getting a tiny but annoying.

"Slendy?" You asked one day after he had given you a box of chocolates "yes my love?"

"Don't get me wrong, I love all the presents and stuff that I'm getting from you...but I have to ask you something"

"What is it?" He asked

"Why are you being way nicer than usual?"

He sighed "you want the truth?" You nodded

"I broke your laptop two days ago"


Jeff the killer

Jeff was being the cheesy stereotype boyfriend lately and it was creeping you out, he would open doors for you, buy you food, and compliment you way more than usual, it was like he was a completely different person. You decided to confront him about it.

"Hey Jeff?" You asked while you two were sitting on the couch

"Yes Y/N?" He responded

"Why have you been acting so weirdly lately? It's like you're not yourself anymore"

He sighed "Because I thought that I wasn't exactly a good boyfriend, so I thought that it would be better to change the way I acted "

You smiled "you don't need to change yourself idiot"

BEN drowned

It was weird. Ben was actually letting you win when you two played video games against each other. At first you thought that you were actually winning, but then you realized that he wasn't trying as hard as he usually does.
"Ben?" You asked once you finished playing for the day "Yeah?" "Why are you letting me win" he froze

"well umm the thing is, you kinda look like a kicked puppy sometimes when you loose and I didn't like than so I let you win" you laughed

"Ben when I win against you I want it to be genuine because then I'll genuinely be able to know what it's like to kick your ass"

Masky had been busy doing his 'job' lately and he has barely had any free time to spend with you. So today, my dear friend, the day he finally had off. He stuck to you like glue.

He cuddled you first thing in the morning and you two didn't get up until noon.

He then made you breakfast and you guys decided to eat in the living room while watching tv.

(*cough* *cough* supernatural *cough*)

That was pretty much the whole day, you guys ordered pizza at dinner and cuddled even more

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