You have super powers

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Thank you @dragonotakugirl for requesting this!

Also let me know if you want these powers to be in future chapters

Enjoy!~ ()*:・゚

Plant manipulation

"Um slender?" You ask a bit worried about what was happening right now "Yes dear?" He says as he nears the living room "is this supposed to happen?!" You ask with a bit more fear in your voice. Slender walks into the living room only to see you with a house plant, sure that might seem normal except for the fact that it was following the movement of your hand as you turned towards him. He made a face of what you think was surprise, but then 'smiled' "well dear it seems like you have developed the power of plant manipulation" you looked at him surprised "wow! That's so cool!" You giggled and started to get used to your newly obtained power


You two were cuddling on the couch while watching the tv. both of you wanted to changed the channel, but the two of you were to lazy to get the remote from the coffee table "y/nnnnnn get the remoooottee" Jeff whined out "nuuu I don't wanna" "but this show is boring"

You reach your hand out the the remote only for it to start levitating. Both you and Jeff stared at it in surprised "y/n?" "Yeah?" "Please tell me that I'm not the only one that sees the remote floating" "nope I see it too" "are you doing that?" "I think so" "cool, now use your powers to give me the fucking remote"


You knew that you had special powers, you've known ever since you were little. So of course you decided that it would be fun to use them against Ben.

Right now you two were playing hide and seek. (cuz that's what mature people do) and the whole time you were following him while you used you power to be invisible. Ben sighed "geez y/b why are you so good at hiding?!" Without thinking you let out a giggle and Ben whipped his head around "what the fuck?!" He looked around again "okay seriously y/n come out because I swear I'm going crazy" you giggle again and become visible again. Ben stared at you trying to register in his mind what had happened "WHAT THE FUCK Y/N HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!"

You scratch the back of your head sheepishly "well umm I kinda have this power to make myself invisible i I feel like it" Ben blinked and after a moment he grinned "that's cool babe!"

Water manipulation

You looked around you to see if Masky was around and when the coast was clear you started to move the water that was sitting in a pot around you. You had the water floating above your head by the time Masky walked in "y/n?"

You lost focus on what you were doing and the water fell on you head. "Uhh hey Masky" you said "Were you just controlling that water?!" He asked, you looked at him sheepishly "well uhh you see....umm yeah I was controlling the water"

"Cool! Can you show me more?!" Masky asked excitedly, you giggled "sure"

Fire manipulation

(This is a bit short sorry)

You and Hoodie looked at the fire in astonishment as it sat on your palms without burning you "y/n?" "Yeah?" " did you know that you could do this?" "Nope I had no's pretty cool though, right?" Hoodie smiled "yeah I now know that if there's ever a fire you won't burn"


"Catch me if you can~" you sang as you flew around you your house. Sonic growled annoyed as he desperately tried to get you down from the air. You were the one that was supposed to chase Sonic! Not the other way around!

After a while Sonic finally gave up "okay y/n you win" he said as he went to go sit on the couch. You giggled "looks like I beat Sonic at speed~" "s-shut up"

Energy blasts

"Pew! Pew! pew!" Was all that Toby heard you say for the past half hour "uhh y/n?" "Mmhmm?" You ask while still shooting f/c energy blasts from you palms "are you sure that what your doing is safe?!" He squeaked (I assure you that it was a very manly squeak) as a blast almost hit his arm "oops! Sorry Toby! But dint worry I've done this many times!" Toby sighed and his behind the kitchen counter; this was gonna be a long day


You were laying on your couch playing on your phone, waiting for Jack to come back from his killing spree. You look up when you hear the door open only for you to see a limping and bloody E.j.

"E.j! Are you alright?!" He groans in response and almost falls but quickly grabbed the wall for support "here" you cooed as you led him to the couch and took of his hoodie, you then put your hands over the wound and concentrated. The area started to glow and after a matter of seconds he was healed. "Y/n?" "Yeah E.j?" "Where did you learn to do that?" You shrugged "I've always known how"


Silver was chasing after you as you teleported around the house. Why? Even I don't know and I'm the writer (ALERT ALERT I BROKE THE FOURTH WALL)

But anyway as you were teleporting around you accidentally teleported right in front if his face making him smash your lips against his, you both blushed but eventually melted into the kiss.


Me: T~T

Sonic. Exe: what the hell is wrong with you now

Me: I want a boyfriend but I'm a lonely ass potato

Sonic. Exe: why don't you ask dark link out then I know you have a crush on him -smirk-

Me: >\\\< I-I don't have a c-crush on him! And even if I did I wouldn't be able to ask him out because what if one of the readers want dark link to be their significant other?!

Sonic. Exe: well then to bad because I'm setting you two up

Me: n-no! We have to ask the readers if they're alright with it! And hey! You still haven't done the disclaimer!

Sonic. Exe: -sigh- is every one okay with me setting up unicorn with dark link?

And Unicorn doesn't own the creepy pastas or you

Me: God so embarrassing >\\\\<

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