Fall/Halloween Special!

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Happy Halloween!!!

Slender Man

On Halloween you two didn't really celebrate, sure you stole the candy from kids that slender had scared the shit out of, but other than that you two just took a moonlight stroll hand in hand, in the woods while eating candy

Jeff the killer
You two wanted to freak some people out on Halloween so you went into the forest near where some teenagers were telling 'scary' stories by a fire."he murdered his whole family!" "Ya right Jeff the killer isn't even real" You smirked as you covered yourself in fake blood. "Ready?" Jeff asked. You nodded "yup"

You fake limped into the light of the fire "h-help mee" you moaned out "geez lady what happened to you?!" A boy asked "h-h-he's c-coming" "who the hell are you and who the hell is coming?" A brunette asks "j-Jeff" "Jeff who?" "T-the k-killer "sure, do you need to go to a mental institute? Jeff the killer isn't even real" a short blonde girl asks "I found you~" Jeff says in ominous voice. All of the kids eyes widen and see Jeff behind you "Go to sleep" he says as he 'slits' your throat making you 'die' . all the teens screamed in terror and ran away yelling things like "we're next! i'm gonna die i'm gonna die" and so on. you and Jeff start laughing and walk away from the fire that the teens sat around.

BEN Drowned

You two thought it would be fun to play some horror games in the dark and currently you two were playing The House Two "psshh, it doesn't even look the scary" Ben said as he started to crawl into your laptop "are you sure you'll be okay?" you ask a bit worried "yeah i'll be fine" Ben said as he got the rest of his body into your computer. it was fine at first but when blood started leaking from the walls Ben got a little freaked out, it was when Ben went into the bathroom and opened the shower curtains revealing a hanging body, that was when he got legit scared and jumped out of your computer hugging on to you for dear life "you know what? screw that game"


You two thought that it would be fun to go to the annual fall festival and try out some food or just look at "Y/N Y/N! Look at all the pumpkins!" Masky said excitedly, you giggled at his child-like enthusiasm and continued walking "Hey Y/N?" "hmm?" can we get some pumpkin pie" you smile at Masky "sure! let's go!"

(i want pumpkin pie now ;~;)


You two decided to keep it simple and watch a bunch of Tim Burton Movies (i love Tim Burton) such as: The Corpse Bride, Franken weenie, The nightmare before christmas, Edward Scissor-hands, and beetlejuice. near the end of The Nightmare Before Christmas you had fallen asleep in Hoodie's lap, Hoodie chuckled before turning of the t.v and carrying you to your room "so cute"

Sonic. Exe (sorry if you like horror movies but here your going to be scared of them)

So apparently you guys were going to be watching a horror movie (Sonic's choice not yours) which you didn't like but Sonic forced you into watching it. you whimpered into Sonic's chest as yet another jump-scare popped up and you flinched as you saw another person die "sheesh if i knew you were going to be this scared i wouldn't of made you watch this" he sighed as he turned of the t.v. Sonic felt your tense muscles relaxed a bit and he cuddled you closer to his chest "sorry"

Ticci Toby

You guys decided that instead of going trick or treating or going to a haunted house, you would have a pumpkin carving date! it was going well.....until Toby threw some of the pumpkin guts into your hair and then you threw some a Toby's face...lets just say that you guys didn't finish you pumpkins, and it took forever to clean up.

Eyeless Jack

You thought fall was the best time for cuddling so why not make a fort? you two gathered a bunch a of blankets, comforters and pillows and started building a fort, using chairs for support. when you two finally finished you cuddled in the fort while watching Hocus Pocus on your laptop.

Lost Silver

Silver was currently waiting in the living room because you wanted to show him your costume. sure you weren't going out for Silver's sake but you still wanted to dress up. "Okay silver you can look now!" you said cheerfully. Silver turned his head to look at you and immediately became as red as a tomato. there you were standing in the cutest sylveon costume he's ever seen "so~ do you like it?" you asked striking a pose "Y-yeah your r-r-really c-cute Y/N" he managed to stutter out

(your costume is in the media)


Me: Heyo! Silver is with here to help with the disclaimer today! silver say hi!

Silver: H-hi

me: sorry that some of these were short i was kinda in a rush, but hey! i finally updated. but hey ITS HALLOWEEN YASSS

Silver: Uni-Chan please calm down


Silver:*sigh* Uni-chan doesn't own the creepypastas or you

Me: *whispers* you can call me uni-chan it's short for unicorn-chan :3

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