Lazy Day

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Thank you @onyxcoma for requesting a fluffyish scenario I had no idea what to write next :3

*not edited*

Slender Man
Today you and slender were having a lazy day at your house, you two were watching a movie and cuddling on the couch he was laying in the couch while you were on his chest and since you were so small compared to him you whole body was on top of him.

Jeff the killer
You were trying to cuddle with Jeff, notice the word trying, he doesn't have much human interaction, well unless killing humans counts. You were on his chest and he was as stiff as a board "Jeff you can wrap your arms around me ya know" you say trying to get him to cuddle. He just awkwardly wraps his arms around you, and you sigh giving up.

BEN drowned
You two were laying down on the couch with you on top of him, playing video games. You two literally made no sound at all beside the occasional grunt in annoyance "(y/n)?" "Yes Ben?" "Can we do this more often? Just relax?" You smile "Of course

You guys just wanted to relax today so you two were just laying on your bed wrapped in layers of blankets cuddling. You look at Masky and lift up his mask giving him a quick peck and his lips before turning around and giggling

"Hoodie?" "Yeah?" "Please tell me why your sitting on the couch upside down watching TV" "the people look funny upside down" you giggle and kneel in front of him making him whine in protest but you cut him off with a kiss.

Sonic walked into the living room whining "I'm tirrreeedddd"  you just sigh and stay where you are on the couch. Sonic all of a sudden gets this amazing idea and he lays down....on you.....with his face in your boobs...."Sonic?" "Hmm?" Can you please take you face out of my Bo-" "no"

Ticci Toby
You were siting on the couch reading purposely ignoring Toby "(y/nnnnnnnnnn) pay attention to meeeeeee" you ignore him and continue reading, Toby not liking this rips what your reading out of you hands and pulls you on to his chest "Toby I was reading-" "shut up and cuddle me"

Eyeless Jack
It was a rainy day so you thought "what's better than wrapping up in blankets and having a Disney movie marathon?" (If you don't like Disney than change it to a movie franchise you like). You were halfway into the third movie when Jack noticed that you had fallen asleep he chuckled at your sleeping face "your so cute"

Lost sliver
You and Silver were being complete dorks and we're having a Pokemon marathon. Silver was blushing most of the time because you were hugging him and yelling "Pika Pika" really cutely

.......I feel like I haven't updated in forever ;~;......oh well I'm happy with this scenario and I hope you guys are as well ✌🏼

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