The Half Blood Prince

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"Anything?" I asked him again. "Anything". Harry confirmed. "I want the book". I said. Harry met me in front of the Room of Requirement and handed me the book. "Here, Scarlet". I left Harry outside the Room of Requirement as I found the perfect hiding spot for the book. In a cabinet. No one would look there. I exited the Room of Requirement to find Harry still there. "It's done". "I don't expect you to forgive me immediately". He said. "There's just one more thing I need for you to do before I can even begin to forgive you. I want an apology". "Then, I'm sorry, Scar-" I cut him off. "Not to me. You didn't almost kill me". I said as I made my way to the Hospital Wing with Harry right behind me.

Draco sat uncomfortably in one of the beds. His usual gang, right beside him. Pansy fawning over him as usual. He perked up when he saw me, but his face soured as soon as he caught sight of Harry. "I'm sorry, Malfoy". Harry choked. "Well you're not forgiven, Potter". Draco crossed his arms. "It'll take a lot more than that to win my forgiveness....." Draco continued to list all of the things that Harry would need to do to win his forgiveness. "Well, you tried". I said as I led Harry out of the Hospital Wing and to the entrance of the Great Hall. "If you want me to try again, I can-" "It's fine, Harry. I forgive you". I said. "Really?" "Yeah. I realized that you must be beating yourself up about it, and you certainly don't need me in the mix making you feel worse". "You won't regret it, Scarlet".

It was ironic. That one sentence. "You won't regret it". Because later, I wouldn't be regretting anything. While he would be regretting everything. "Go on, it's time for dinner". I gestured to the Gryffindor table. Harry began making his way towards the the table but turned around once he realized that I wasn't following. "Aren't you coming?" He asked me. "I've been summoned by Dumbledore ". I said. We waved to each other before going our separate ways.

I opened the door to Dumbledore's office to see him stroking his beard as usual. Deep in thought. "Nice to see you, Mrs. Weasley. Take a seat". I did as he said, and sat opposite, him. "It has come to my attention that we have a traitor in our midst". He said. "I know. There are two that I know of. Bellatrix disguised herself as Lavender. Her being here is absolutely connected to Draco being a Death Eater. I told him not to get involved but he wouldn't listen to me". "Mrs. Weasley, I am already aware of it. The reason I've invited you here, is to give you this". Dumbledore produced a vial necklace from his desk. The vial was full of a red liquid. "What is it?" "Have you ever heard of the wars that exist beyond our magical world?" Dumbledore asked, not at all answering my question. "No, sir". "They also have spies. Double agents. And even in some cases, triple agents. In case these spies were caught, their employer's gave them a tablet or a pill capsule. These prevented......secrets from being spilled". "So it gave them an opportunity for suicide. It prevented the secrets from being tortured out of them". "Indeed, it did. In a way, you could say that this vial is your nightlock. Your suicide pill. Your surefire escape". Dumbledore swung the necklace back and forth.

"So it's poison". Dumbledore shook his head. "It's a rather strong forgetfulness potion". He handed me the vial. "It wipes all of your memories pertaining to the fact that you're a Death Eater. Use it, but only if you have to. You will be unable to, or anyone else for the matter, be able to retrieve your memories unless you have the antidote". Dumledore continued. "Where's the antidote?" I asked him. "I already took the liberty of giving it to Mr. Longbottom. That was who you were going to give it to for safe keeping, correct?" "Yes, sir". Dumbledore chuckled and waved his hand. He was dismissing me. I placed the necklace over my head and hid it underneath the collar of my shirt.


A while later

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