The Apparent Trap

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There was something amiss when we returned to Malfoy Manor. Everything was quiet. Neat, and orderly. Since Malfoy Manor was manned by a rather large staff of house elves and a few others, there wasn't a room that could be considered, "disorderly" by even the house elf who had the largest neatness obsessive compulsive disorder than the rest. But the state of the manor was seemingly extra neat and orderly today. Eerie, almost. "Scarlet, I don't like this. Stand close". Said Draco.

We navigated through Malfoy Manor, expecting a trap. And sure enough, when we entered the dining room there was one waiting for us. All the Death Eater's had assembled around the lengthy rectangular table. Voldemort sat at the very head of the table, drumming his fingers. One would question why we returned to Malfoy Manor. Why return only to face Voldemort and the other Death Eater's? If the two of us ran, we'd be hunted down like dogs. It'd only be a matter of time before we were found. Why beat around the bush if this event would only happen anyway?

"Look at what the cat dragged in". He said upon noticing our arrival. "We were just taking a stroll in the-" I cut Draco off. Voldemort could sniff out a lie as if the lie itself, were the stench of old cheese. "I couldn't let you hurt Harry or anyone else I care about. I did it and if I had the chance to relive the moment, I'd do it again". I stood there defiantly with Draco inching closer to me. I could feel Snape's eyes burning a hole into my back. Voldemort may have been a snake, but he hated liars. Voldemort smiled, amused. "I was going to spare you since you've cooperated, though not willingly, and because of Snape's loyalty to me. Set you free and never call upon you again. But that's changed since you've the gall to go against me. I'll give you one more chance". Voldemort scooted out from his chair and approached me. Draco stood in between the two of us, acting as some sort of barrier. Just by the simply swat of his hand, Draco's body flew against one of the walls. I didn't flinch the tiniest bit. I couldn't let Voldemort see weakness. My short stature didn't quite match up to his tall one that towered high above me. "What do you need?" I asked him. "Something that's of importance". He said. I hesitated to give my answer. Though, it's not as if I had a choice in the matter. Voldemort always got what he wanted, no matter how many toes he had to step on. "My item of importance in exchange for your freedom".

Voldemort held up his opened palm in front of me. In the palm of his hand, a light was emitted. First it was a soft light, and then it became blinding. When I opened my eyes, the two of us stood outside of Hogwarts underneath the tree near Black Lake. "Why are we here?" I asked him. Though, he simply pointed to the happy couple who appeared before us. We stood in the background along with Voldemort, merely spectators as events unraveled. The couple, I couldn't recognize at first. But when they pulled apart from their tight embrace, I knew who it was immediately. The replica of Draco got down on one knee, holding up an opened jewelry box that contained a ring inside, to the replica of me. She clapped her hands in joy as the imitation of Draco slipped the engagement ring onto her pale bony finger. She wrapped her fingers around his neck, and he around her waist, pulling her closer to him. The couple seemed to be entranced by one another. So much so, that they were completely oblivious to the destruction of Hogwarts behind them as it burned to ashes. The image dissolved. We were now standing in front of a little cottage on the hillside.

It was the same Draco and Scarlet. We watched as Draco carried the Scarlet over the threshold, shutting the door behind him. It was a while before the door opened again. It was clear that a bit of time had elapsed. Scarlet exited the cottage wearing a bonnet and a sundress with Draco right behind her, pushing a stroller. "This can all be yours". Said Voldemort who gestured to the beautifully crafted scenery that couldn't possibly exist in reality. "I'll replace your old memories with these. It'll be as if the pain you experienced never existed". He flicked his wand. My arm began to sear. I yelped from the pain, and then it was gone. "It's your choice. Choose wisely, I'll only be this generous once. Your freedom for my desired possession. So, do we have a deal?" The colors around us faded and we were once again in the dining room of Malfoy Manor. Voldemort stuck out his hand. His fingernails left horribly unmanaged. "Fine. You've got yourself a deal. What do you want?" I asked him again. " My Horcrux, Salzaar Slytherin's locket".

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