Scarlet & the Headmaster

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Alright guys, TGWL is finally coming to a close. It's been a long and great journey with all of you. Thank you so much, and happy reading

Ps. As you can guess, several ships have been sailed between Scarlet and other characters. I've already laid Scarlet's true endings out with a certain character. But not to fear, I've made many alternate endings. Each character has two. 


"Oliver..." Where should I begin? At which point in my misadventures could I consider the beginning? "There's nothing that you can't tell me". His attempt to reassure me, was the least bit reassuring. Did i really want to tell him what I was? Open up my closet to him, only to have all the skeletons that I had shoved in there, to come tumbling out. Show him my deepest fears. The monsters under my bed. No, that wasn't it at all. There wasn't a monster underneath my bed. I was the monster. If I looked in the mirror, I wouldn't see a scared girl afraid of everything, even her shadow. I'd see a gruesome monster staring back at me.

My right hand gripped the rim of my left sleeve. I knew that there was only one way to get through to Oliver's thick skull. I yanked upward on my left sleeve to reveal my Dark Mark. Oliver gasped in horror. I just knew that he'd have his reaction. But what he did next, surprised me. He grabbed my left forearm and heavily examined it. "I knew I shouldn't have had left. If I didn't, then you wouldn't be like this. You wouldn't be one of them". Oliver was going mad because of this. "You don't get it, do you? I'm a monster! A bloody psychopath!""Scarlet...." Oliver reached for my forearms, but I slapped his hands away. "No! Get the bloody 'ell away from me. There's no way to fix me! No way for me to escape my fate. But there's a way for you to escape yours. Leave me behind and never come back". I'd already broken his heart twice before. Maybe third time would be the charm. "You know that I'm not going to do that. I won't leave you here like this". "I wasn't asking, Oliver". As if on cue, the fat lady painting swung open. I left Oliver standing there before he was able to respond. I crept up the stairs and to the common room where Neville sat on the couch next to the fire reading the Daily Prophet. When he heard my footsteps, he looked up. "How'd it go?" He asked. I sat on the couch and curled myself into his arms with my head lying against his chest. "I don't want to talk about it".

And we sat there in front of the roaring fire. And as Neville read the newspaper aloud, I found myself only half listening. The other half stayed with the rhythm of his heartbeat. Ginny entered the common room with Luna trailing behind her. "Ship it!". Squealed Ginny. "Sorry to interrupt your little date, but the headmaster would like to have a word". Said Luna in her usual distant sounding voice. My shoulders tensed. "Do you want me to go with you?" Neville offered. I entwined my fingers in his. That meant yes. We headed downstairs together and to Snape's office. It had changed substantially from when it was Dumbledore's office. There was a wardrobe filled with replicas of Snape's usual tailored suit and his stuffy leather shoes. In the middle of the room, there was a rectangular table with three places set. The rest of the space was filled with books piled high. "I thought I specifically told Mrs. Lovegood that only your presence is required". Snape said as he looked down at us from his desk. "If Neville leaves, then I'll leave too". I tightened my grip on Neville's hand. "Very well then". Snape said as he set another plate and seat at the table.

I uneasily sat down at the table with Neville sitting less than a couple centimeters away. He held my hand underneath the table. It was all I could do to keep myself calm. The last time that I saw my father was when he murdered Dumbledore without batting an eye. Snape sat in the chair across from us. He served us from the casserole dishes. "Who's the extra plate for?" I asked my father. But my question was soon answered by a knock on the door. Draco entered the room. "Sorry I'm late". He said before taking a seat next to me. When he saw me, he made his signature look that always made me want to sock him in the face. He smirked. "Why's he here?" My question was directed towards Snape. "I thought that since you are often found in the company of Mr. Potter and even Mr. Longbottom that your time is better spent elsewhere. Perhaps with Mr. Malfoy, here". I couldn't believe it. He was trying to set me up with Draco. "Dad!" "I'm simply helping you explore your better options". He gestured to Draco. His words had a resemblance to that of Mrs. Weasley, in her usual fussy manner. "And better yet, as of the moment, I'm available". Commented Draco. "Oh please". I responded. "I'll have you know that I won't be single for long". "Excuse me, do you need a towel to wipe off all the arrogance that's dripping off of you?" "It's true. The girls are just lining up". "You mean, "girl". And that "girl" is Pansy". While Draco and I were bickering much like Hermoine and Ron did, it left a rather pleased Snape who stared down an already overly uncomfortable Neville, mentally telling him to scram.

Our bickering continued throughout the dinner. I didn't have much of an appetite after seeing my father for the first time after Dumbledore's murder. And arguing with Draco about how arrogant he was seemed to pass the time just fine. Though, Neville looked as though he was crumbling underneath Snape's gaze. He squeezed my hand a couple of times. "Well, we must be going". I excused Neville and myself. Neville and I stood up, and pushed in our chairs. "I should be going, as well. You know, places to be, first years to torture". Draco added as he repeated our action, by standing up and pushing in his chair. "Thanks, Dad". Said I. "Thank you for the meal, Snape". Said Draco. Snape held up his hand, as if to pause him. "Please, call me Severus". "Thank you Severus". Said Draco who rephrased the sentence. The corners of Snape's lips ever so slightly curved upwards. "Thank you for the meal, Severus". Neville followed suit, and slightly bowed. The corners of Snape's fell and there was no longer hints of a smile leftover. "That's Snape to you, Mr. Longbottom". And with a curt nod, we were dismissed from his office. 

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