Chapter 10

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I walked back over to our table drink in hand wondering what that was all about, that was one of the oddest conversations I've ever had. I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't notice Liam standing in front of me until I crashed into him, he steadied me by gripping my arms before I could fall back.

"Wow, you ok there, you look kind of spooked?" Liam laughed.

I smiled, "Yeah. Sorry I just had the weirdest encounter."

"Would you like to dance, I have danced with about every woman in here apart from you?" he asked.

I smirked, "What makes you think I wasn't avoiding you? Just kidding come on then, show me your dance moves."

 Liam pulled me out to the dance floor putting a hand on my waist while I put my hand on his shoulder and we clasped our other hands joining the other couples in a waltz.

I danced with Liam for what felt like hours when Charles walked up and asked to replace Liam. Liam looked at me first while I nodded to assure him it was fine.

We continued dancing for a couple of minutes in silence before Charles spoke, "Why did you bring him to my mother's gala?"

"I intended to bring Trent then Liam didn't have a date so I offered to him to come with us and he accepted. I wanted to catch up with my best friend." I explained.

Charles grimaced before replying, "It doesn't look as if you are here as friends to me and everyone else, you and him have history."

"I'm aware of that, thank you very much. I'm the one who had to live through it," I snapped at him.

Charles looked down at me, "You know what I mean, it doesn't look innocent how our divorce goes public and the first thing you do is turn up to my family's event with your ex-boyfriend."

"The whole world does not revolve around you, Charles. Believe it or not I was not trying to hurt you or make a statement by turning up with Liam tonight. I just want my best friend back I have missed him over the years." This seemed to enrage Charles as he dropped my hand and stepped back.

He glared at me before screaming, "Do you have any idea how embarrassing it was for me to see you show up with him, I didn't bring anyone because I didn't want to be that cruel?"

"Oh, give it up, Charles. You came with no one because no one is good enough in your mother's eyes and you don't want to disappoint mummy. You gave up on a marriage that once meant everything to you to please your precious family. The minute you signed those divorce papers it stopped being my responsibility to care what you think and feel. So, no I don't give a crap whether you don't agree with Liam and I coming together," I yelled back storming off as cameras flashed and recorded the scene that just happened.

I went out into the foyer to cool down and wait for everyone to come out as Charles and I's argument kind of put an end to the night for us. The first to walk out was my brother and Tatiana who came over to me.

"Way to go, girl," Tatiana squealed at the same time my brother said "What the hell happened in there?"

I laughed before responding, "Thanks, Tiana. Jayden, I am sick of him trying to control me and have an input in my life."

"What happened in there was your sister finally put her foot down and showed everyone she was done following orders from the Van Der Houston family and was her own person," Tatiana told my brother proudly as she wrapped an arm around me with a huge grin.

Jayden laughed before saying, "Yeah you go, sister."

The doors to the ballroom flew open revealing my ex-husband along with his sister and mother. Charles looked upset where as the other two looked furious as they made their way over to me.

"I see you are still here," his mother said while looking down her nose at me.

I smiled, "Don't worry I was just leaving. This party's kind of over anyway," I answered referring to the number of guests leaving.

"Ha, you wish. Well now we got rid of the trash from our family we are more powerful than ever," Charlotte added.

Tatiana and my brother laughed at this before I responded, "Powerful is that a joke. No one likes two lonely people still being controlled by their mother."

"How dare you?" His mother snarled.

Before I had the chance to say anything my mother growled at her standing in front of my brother and I, "No, How dare you?"

"Excuse me," his mother stumbled back in surprise at my mother's audacity to face her.

My mother smiled at this, "For too long I have let you treat my family like crap but not anymore. We are just as important as you not to mention were actually nice people unlike you."

"You think you are so much better than us?" She exclaimed.

My mother laughed at this, "I don't think I know, darling."

With this she took my brother and I's hand and dragged us over to where Liam and Trent were waiting by the door, with Tatiana following.

"What was all that about?" Liam enquired peering over at my ex-husband and his family.

I sighed, "Just them letting me know they won. Trent why don't you go say bye to daddy?"

"Do I have to?" Trent sulked.

I pushed him towards his dad and Grandma, "Yes."

"Here is your coat," Liam said handing me my coat and purse.

I put on my coat and checked my phone for any calls while Trent said his goodbyes.

"You know he loves you," Charlotte admitted walking up to me.

I smiled sadly, "I know but I can't keep waiting for him to grow the balls to stand up to your mother."

"I'm sorry," she whispered walking away to chat with some other guests.

Trent came over followed by his dad, "Ready?" Trent asked.

"Yeah." I answered as he walked over to his Uncle and my mother.

Charles cleared his throat making me look up, "I'm sorry. Goodbye, Isabella."

With that I walked away knowing tonight was the end of a huge chapter in my life but I looked over at Trent joking with his Uncle and smiled at the thought of the next chapter it is going to be interesting.



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