Chapter 20

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"Can we break while Trent calms down?" my lawyer asked the judge.

The judge looked over at my son seeing the tears run down his face before responding, "Yes, we will take a ten minute break."

The minute the words were out her mouth Trent leaped up out of the witness box and over to me. I just caught him in my arms before he went barreling into my legs, lifting him up to rest on my hip as he cried into my shoulder. I rubbed his back telling him it would all be ok.

"I don't want to live with daddy," Trent sniffled as he drew back.

I smiled sadly at him as I put him on his feet and tried to reason, "I know but what's meant to be is meant to be."

My brother came over and took Trent back to where they we were sitting as the court re-adjorned.

"Your first character witness," The judge told my lawyer.

Jake stood up and made his way to the witness box swearing on the bible that he would tell the truth and stating his name and occupation.

"What is your relationship with the mother and child?" the judge asked.

Jake looked over at me and smiled as he answered, "She is one of my best friends and he is like another son to me."

"And what would you say about her ability as a mother?" the judge questioned.

Jake's smile grew as he replied, "I'd say you would find it hard to find someone who is a better mother to that little boy. She cares for him and puts him first which is what a parent should do. It would truly be a crime if you took that little boy away from her and we'd all be worse off for it."

"Thank you, you may return to your seat and you have video evidence next," the judge directed the last part to my lawyer as Jake made his way back to his seat.

My lawyer handed a tape to one of the officials who put it in the video player and the screen lit up with the news footage from Trent's school a couple of days ago. The whole courtroom watched in silence most of them had probably already seen it but watched anyway.

"Ok, thank you," the judge said as the video came to an end and my brother made his way to the witness stand.

"Relationship to the mother and her son?" the judge enquired after Jayden had sworn on the bible to tell the truth and stated his name.

Jayden sat up straight before answering, "I'm her brother and he's my nephew."

"Ok, close family relative. Your comments on your sister's ability as his mother?" the judge stated.

Jayden looked off at the back of the room as he replied, "She's the best mother any child could ever hope for, she pays attention to him, she knows when to put her foot down and most of all she loves that little boy with all her heart."

Jayden's speech brought me to tears and I missed what the judge said as my lawyer handed me a tissue and my brother headed back to his seat.

Charles lawyer stood up and spoke clearly, "Your honour my client is applying for full custody of his son on the grounds he does not want him living with a known criminal. Ms. Van Gard is still awaiting charge of a hit and run and its pretty much certain she will be charged meaning Trent will be left in the care of others, my client, Mr. Van Der Houston does not want that for his son."

"Thank you I have looked over Ms. Van Gard's case myself. You may call your first character witness," the judge told him not looking up from her papers.

Charlotte got up and headed over to the witness box swearing to tell the truth on the bible and stating her name, only then did the judge look up.

"Relationship to Father and Son?" the judge enquired.

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