Chapter 4

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After Leila's admission to my husband eavesdropping, I called my boss to tell her I would do the interview today if she would like.

That's how I ended up an hour later sitting across from Daniel Bernesse, one of our best columnists, waiting to be asked about my impending divorce. Daniel was cute in an all American way blonde hair, strong build but he had nothing on Charles. He smiled kindly at me showing off his dimples.

"Hey, Isabella. How are you?" he started.

I smiled politely acknowledging his easy start before answering, "I'm fine, thank you. And how are you, Daniel?"

"I'm good, thanks. So down to business, how long have you been unhappy with your marriage?" he asked.

I laughed at his blunt approach to my broken marriage as I replied, "Wow, you don't mess about. I have not felt content in my marriage for two and a half years but I did not ask for a divorce until two years ago, I tried to fix our problems but apparently I was the only one."

"So, you would say your husband was at fault for the breakdown of your marriage?" he enquired.

I gulped at this question knowing this would be seen as a direct attack at my husband, "Yes I would but not just him his family too. They have never been happy with Trent or I. The first signs of Charles pulling away were when his mother first appeared at our house."

"Have you ever spoke to his family about this?" he looked as if he genuinely wanted to know.

I nodded before "Yes, the first time I went to her home after we were married after she called my son 'a useless little brat', she told me she said this because me and my son were unworthy of the Van Der Houston title, she said this in front of my husband and he did not say a word this was the first sign of his distance."

"I sense some animosity towards your in-laws is this why?" he straightened his tie as he asked this.

"I couldn't care less whether they treat me like rubbish but my son is a different story, he is their flesh and blood and they can treat him so cruelly. What does that say for them?" I defended while sitting up in my chair.

He cleared his throat before continuing, "Were you ever in love?"

"Yes, very much so." I stated as a tear rolled down my cheek as the memories of my husband's good side assaulted my mind.

"I can see this makes you uncomfortable, would you like to take a break?" he smiled sympathetically as he handed me a box of tissues.

I wiped my eyes before spoke back, "No, it took me a long time to work up the courage to do this, I need to do this now."

"Ok, we will continue but if you need a minute just tell me I can see this is a lot for you." He sat back.

I took a deep breath returning my mask of calmness over the events unraveling in my life at the moment.

"Does your son know about the divorce?" he questioned.

I smiled sadly thinking of my little boy's reaction to his father leaving, "Yes, he does. I would love to say he was upset but he has not thought of his father as anything more than a blood relation since his third birthday which Charles didn't attend."

I took a long breath trying to compose myself again.

He took the polite smile that returned to my face as encouragement to continue, "Describe the happiest moment of your life to me."

I smiled as I remembered this "The doctor just put my baby boy in my arms wrapped in a bundle of blankets and he grabbed onto my long hair with his tiny hands, my smile was so big it hurt. I looked over at my husband who had tears in his eyes as he looked at our little boy, he lifted his head to meet my gaze and the smile on his face nearly blinded me along with the love shown clearly in his eyes. The happiest I have ever been I had my baby boy in my arms and my husband stood by my side in the same blissful happiness as me, that was the moment we became our own little family."

"That's pretty deep." Daniel commented as he noted what I said down.

I kept the smile as I answered, "I fell in love with my husband all over again that day and my little boy took over my heart as well, the two most important people in my life."

"Do you think you will ever get back together with your husband?" he asked finally.

I knew this was the most important question as my reply would make or break my family that is why I went with total honesty, "No, there is not one chance that I will ever get back together with my husband or even think of it again. He gave up on our relationship and proved what was important to him. My soon-to-be-ex-husband proved to me, he was nothing but a cold-hearted greedy man that does not think of anyone but himself. I love my husband with all my heart but I love my son more and I will not put him through that again."

"Thank you for your time, Isabella." Daniel said as he stood up along with me.

I smiled a genuine smile, "It was my pleasure," I chirped as I left the room.

I left the room in much higher spirits than when I entered I had come to a decision about my life. I was moving on I wasn't going to play their petty games or cry over the hurtful things he says. I was going to live my life for the sake of a little five-year-old boy who I had to pick up from school.




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