Chapter 2; The Attack.

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Alcohol use
Child abuse

Reddie (Richie + Eddie)
Magent (Maggie and Went) Not really, they're just a sloppy, married couple.

After stopping by everyone's house to drop them off, Rich and Eds are the only ones left, since they live close by to each other. Once Eddie reached his house, they said their goodbyes and Richie rode over to his house once he watched as Eddie enter his own. Richie bikes over and notices that there aren't any cars in the driveway, and Richie calms down to that realization. As he parks his bike, he begins towards the front door, just to realize it's opened. This left the coke-bottle glasses boy scared and confused, for no one was home and yet the door was still open. He figured one of his parents were in a rush and accidentally left the door open, so he walks in and his jaw drops.

"What. The. Fuck." Richie exclaims, looking around his house, terrified of what the hell happened and who the hell did it. He begins to walk around, lightly setting his bag down as the door behind him is left wide open. He explores the house and to his surprise, it's all. messed. up. In the living room, the books on the shelf were scattered across the floor, ripped apart, a giant hole in the shelf that had gone through the wall as well. The couch was torn apart, stuffing pouring out of every place possible.

Richie continues to walk and look at everything broken, scattered everywhere. All he can think about is 1.) If whoever did this is still here and 2.) If he was the one to get blamed for it. Oh what would his parents do then. He hears a crash upstairs and is frozen in place. He doesn't know what to do and starts panicking. He then hears running around upstairs and quickly runs to the phone to call the cops. He sees that the wire connected to the phone is cut and feels tears swarming in his eyes. He then hears everything upstairs just go silent. He think that maybe the intruder had escaped from one of the windows upstairs, until a noise startles him. A footstep. Another. And another. Until, you can see a foot, black shoes and black pants that barely go over them.

"Shit." Richie whispers to himself as he slowly backs away towards the wide open door, not taking his eyes off of the person coming down to him. Once he feels the door, he steps out, takes a moment to realize that he's out, and slams the door, taking off running. Which, causes whoever was in there to hear where he was off to.

Richie had been running for what felt like hours, getting the hell out of his neighborhood, until he thinks of Eddie. 'FUCK! I left Eddie and didn't even warn him of whoever the fuck is going around robbing people's households!' Though, Richie soon feels relieved and yet horrified to see a man in all black running in what looked like his direction and straight at him. He starts to sprint for his life, trying to lose him and find shelter. Though, being the dumbass he is, he slips and falls on a rock.

"STUPID FUCKING ROCK-!" Richie screams, letting his anger out on the rock before feeling a hard punch to the head. He's then laying down, the man with all black hovering over him. Richie grabs the rock he tripped over, and swings it at the man's head, who only grabs his arm and pries to rock out of his hand. Only seconds later he watches as a rock flies at his head and then everything when black.

Around an hour later, he found himself laying in a pile of blood, just awaking in an alleyway. He limps back to his neighborhood, or anywhere that could help him, barely able to move for an unknown reason, since he had blacked out. But, he was in so much pain because after he had blacked out, he had been kicked. Over. And. Over. Everywhere. And eventually the rock was finally chucked as hard as possible at him. He continues to walk until he sees a boy, riding his bike with meat on the back of it. Richie catches the boy's attention, and he quickly bikes over to help him. Richie recognizes him.

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