16. The Epilogue

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I hear the pattering of little footsteps coming from the kitchen. Sitting up in bed, I look over to Mary, who isn't in bed anymore. If I listen closely, I can hear her in there with him. What are they up to?

Bear bounds into my room, eyes brimming with excitement. "Guess what, Mom?" He smiles and grabs my arm and shakes it. "Are you awake? You better wake up! We have a surprise for you! Mary turns the corner, coming from the kitchen with a glass tray.

"Happy Birthday!" Mary exclaims, her dark eyes gazing at me lovingly as she sets the tray down on my lap. I almost forgot it was my birthday.

"You remembered!" Pure joy spreads across my face. "I barely remembered myself! How do you remember?"

Mary replies, "We celebrated your birthday back in the orphanage. I never forgot. April 14th. You told me it was the birthday written on the note." She beams at me. "I hope you like your breakfast. It's pancakes! I didn't forget that either."

God, I love her. "You always knew how to make me happy, Mary. I'm so glad I have you."

"Oh, wait!" she yells out with excitement. "I almost forgot!" Quickly, she darts back to the kitchen and comes rushing back into the bedroom with a candle and a match. It's nice to see matches have made a comeback.

"We never got to have the candle last time. So, we get to do it now." She grins and places it on top of the pancakes then lights it. The glow of the candle reminds me of all the vast things fire represents - a fiery spirit, breaking free, destruction, and letting go of the past.

"What are you going to wish for?" Mary asks enthusiastically.

I hold a finger to my mouth. "Shh, I can't tell." Then, I shut my eyes and blow out the candle.

I wish that everything in my life keeps getting better forever.

When I reopen my eyes, I'm positive that my wish will come true. Mary and Bear both sit next to me on our bed, holding forks. She puts a piece on her fork, then a piece on his. They hold it in the air, waiting for me to do the same.

"For old time's sake," she smiles as we clink our forks together.

Whenever I stare into Mary's eyes, it feels like I'm falling in love with her all over again. The wedding was glorious, even though it wasn't as extravagant as my previous wedding. There were no cameras, no drama, no lies... just happiness, excitement, and love. Under the new AA laws, marriage between two people of the same sex became legal instantly. We invited my mother, Honey (and her child), and Dr. Black, of course, as well as all of the AA. Unfortunately, Mary's adoptive parents refused to join in the celebration, but that was as expected.

When Bear finally arrived, he was the blessing I never knew I needed. He had dark hair, just like me, and I learned to embrace my natural hair color. My new career didn't give me pressure to fit into any mold. Instead of working as Head of Optics, I worked as the Head Policy Reviser, changing the URA's rules to make them fair for all citizens. My mother was in charge of the AA, but she wasn't alone; we didn't want to have a dictatorship again. Parts of the AA broke off to form different sections to supervise - laws, safety, economy, education, adoption centers, etc - and the leaders of those parts worked with each other. There's a lot of reform that still needs to be done, such as revising the last-name policy.

"What do you want to do today on your special day?" Mary asks me. "I have something special planned, but we can do anything else you want."

"Let's do your thing first." I kiss her on the cheek.

"Mom, gross," Bear says as he makes an "ick" face.

I shake my head and enjoy the rest of the breakfast with my family. After I get ready for the day (I learned that sundresses aren't just for housewives, after all), I head out to the telecar. Mary and Bear are already waiting for me with matching smiles on their faces. Mary has her hair tied up in a loose ponytail, showcasing her sharp jawline and soft cheeks. She's back to wearing her classic denim shorts and tank tops.

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