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Jimin stared at the pool.

He's still wearing his mask and the school uniform, having a turtle neck to cover his neck—he doesn't remember if he even made a scar on his neck, so he's very cautious about any of his skin showing. He just wishes he's able to cover all of his skin showing to anyone.


Jimin looks at Jeongguk. "Yes?"

"What're you thinking about?"

He blinks. "What-What'd you mean?"

"You keep staring at the water like it's going to run away." Jeongguk nervously chuckles. "Are you thinking about getting in?"

"I...I don't want to. Do you?"

"I always do." Jeongguk smiles, putting his hands on his hips. "I'm part of the swim team anyways. Don't you want to swim though? You're allowed to if you want."

"No...I don't, really. Thanks."

"Oh c'mon. No one's in here. It's just me and y—"

"Jeongguk-ssi." Jimin interrupts. "I don't want to go swimming."

"Because you'll make yourself drown."

Jimin twitches from the sudden voice in his head, widening his eyes. "I-I'll be right back. I-I-I need to use the restroom..."

Jeongguk curls his brows. "Okay. It's down the hall."

"Thanks." Jimin leaves, starting to walk pretty fast before Tae tries to talk to him.

He starts to jog, quickly going right to the bathroom. He stops when he gets to the mirror, catching his breath a little. Jimin shakily gulps hard, looking at the mirror. Tae appears in the mirror, being his actual reflection instead of being another person from behind. It's always so odd.

"Wh-Why're you here? I'm in school and you know this! You can't show up here!" Jimin tells Tae, brows knitted.

Tae crosses his arms. "Ever since you forgot to take your medication that one time, it's been all wacky, that's why I'm still here, honey bunch."

" were there when I was with Namjoon...?"

Tae smiles. "Yep! And I'm oddly sensing something special about Namjoon..."

Jimin curls his brows. "What?"

"Namjoon ignored your scars and looked at you with no disgust in his eyes and his behavior... He's a pretty special and to not admit that you're actually ugly."

Jimin lowers his eyes and tightens his jaw. "My scars don't mean anything to him. He...He ignores them every time. Like everyone should..."

"He'll mention them. I promise." Tae winks.

"Leave. I'm still in school."

"You know I can't leave legit. I'm in your head, dumbass."

"Go away then..."

Tae chuckles. "Yes, your highness." He bows jokingly, his laugh fading.

Jimin lowers his head and closes his eyes tight. He flutters his eyes open and looks at the mirror. No more Tae. He only sees his actual reflection. Jimin sighs in relief, sitting himself up straight and wiping his uniform to fix himself. He really hated himself for who he is.


"I'm not eating in public."

"C'mon! We'll get a booth, so you can eat privately!"

Jimin shook his head "I'm not doing it, Jeongguk. I can't. I just want to go home."

"We'll bring your sister with—"

"No!" Jimin shouts and immediately covers his mouth, even though he's wearing a mask. "N...No. Please. She'll worry about me all the time like...every minute." He moves his hand down.

Jeongguk pouts, sighing. "What about Namjoon? Didn't you eat with him yesterday?"

Jimin froze. "I did, but...I tried to cover my face most of the time... I don't want to eat in front of him again..."

Jeongguk crosses his arms. "He didn't say anything about it, right?"

Jimin flutters his eyes down. "No..."

"Then bring him along!" Jeongguk nudges him. "C'mon~ He seems really sweet to be around ever since I met him."

Jimin frowns at him. "Jeongguk-ah, please..."

"Do you have his number?"

"I don't know." Jimin takes out his phone and looks at it, going to his phone numbers. He blinks, surprised to see his name.

" Namjoon :) "

When Namjoon found his phone, Jimin didn't have a passcode on it...he wasn't really allowed due to his diagnosis and the suicidal thoughts from the past. Jimin had nothing hidden or even private. Everything is in a notebook at home, not on his phone.

"I do have it..."

Jeongguk chuckles at him. "Then we'll invite him! Go on and text or call him and I'll be right back! I forgot my swim cap in my locker." He pats Jimin's shoulder and jogs back into the school.

Jimin watches him leave, softly sighing. "Okay..." He faces back and looks down at his phone, hovering over his phone number. He gulps hard, pressing it down on the number and shakily lifting it up to his ear.

"Hello?" Namjoon spoke up.

"H-Hi Namjoon."

"Jimin? Oh, hey! How're you doing?"

"I'm okay. I uh...I was wondering something..."

"What's up?"

"My-My friend and I...wanted to invite dinner somewhere." Why can't I speak properly?


Jimin closes his eyes. "Yes."

"Sure! Do you have a restaurant you guys picked out? I can drive you guys there if you'd like."

"Y-You have a car?"

"Yeah—well, it's my Hyung's car." Namjoon chuckles. "I'm allowed to borrow it, just can't crash it."

Jimin bites the inside of his cheek. "O-Okay. We're at the front of the school..."

"I'll be there in a few minutes!"

"Okay..." Jimin moves the phone away from his ear and ends the call, gulping hard.

Jeongguk comes back, jogging back with a swim cap in hand. "Hey, did you call him?" He asks, stopping beside him and shoving the swim cap in his backpack.

Jimin nods, fiddling with his phone now. "He's going to pick us up here... We have to wait."

"That's fine." Jeongguk reaches over to softly grab his wrist and pulls him with. "C'mon, we should sit and wait on the bench for him!"

Jimin blinks, being dragged by him, but didn't care. Jeongguk is his best friend after all, he ignores his issues and makes sure he's okay without hurting his feelings. Jeongguk was never horrible to him, but he knows enough about his diagnosis. He mainly knows that he's unstable and it will spook him a lot.

Jeongguk will always remember what Sooyoung said: if Jimin starts acting weird, take him to the nurse and try to calm him down himself. Usually he doesn't have to.


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