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Namjoon knocks on Yoongi's door, sighing.

He's currently holding two backpacks, one with a creature inside of it, patiently waiting for his Hyung to answer the door. The last time he visited was odd since Seokjin is in the picture again. He'll tell Jimin soon about Seokjin being in town. But he'll need his permission first. He's respectful enough to do that. Namjoon decides to knock again—

The door suddenly swings open, spooking the younger male a bit. Seokjin was the one who answered, wearing black shorts and a white long sleeve shirt. His hair seemed a little messy, probably was sleeping. At that time, Namjoon didn't realized Yoongi went into work early instead of his usual night shift.

Namjoon blinks. "Uh, hi."

Seokjin raised a brow, looking up and down at him. "Yes?"

" Yoongi here?" Namjoon nervously asks.

"No. He went to work early."

"Oh, right. Um. Can I come in?"

Seokjin nods, backing up and opening the door wider for him. Namjoon looks at him with a nervous look, walking himself in and sighing softly. Seokjin closes the door behind him, looking at Namjoon as he sees him walking over to the couch and putting his backpacks down on it instead of sitting down.

"I'm going to let my cat stay here now until I graduate. It's only two months left until I move in myself, so she should be fine staying here. I'll call my Hyung about it." Namjoon says, slowly unzipping one of his backpacks.

"Wait, cat?" Seokjin's brows knitted and looks at him.

Namjoon slowly pulls out a cat out from his backpack, carefully putting her down on the couch and softly petting her. Seokjin blinks, tilting his head. Oh, he wasn't kidding about the cat. Seokjin walks over to him and sits down on the chair that's facing the couch, only on the edge of it.

"Her name's Mudo. My Hyung likes her when he visited me last time. I think he'll be okay with her staying here for now on." Namjoon says, sitting himself down on the couch. Mudo didn't like place, so she kept herself near Namjoon. "I brought some snacks for her...and a pillow she likes from my room."

Seokjin rubs the back of his neck. "Um. Glad to know. I guess."

Namjoon looks at Seokjin, brows couldn't help to knit a little bit. He just doesn't trust Seokjin at all. Famous or not, he broke his Hyung's heart in the past. If Yoongi's alright with him now...he'll try his best to accept him too. But since he's not here, he can have his attitude towards Seokjin visibly.

"So." Namjoon looks down at Mudo, continuing to pet her. "What's going on between you and him?"

Seokjin blinks, looking at him. "What'd you mean?"

He looks up at him. "Are you in relationship with my Hyung or not? What's the deal?"

Seokjin lowers his eyes, biting the inside of you cheek from the thought. "I...don't know right now. It's complicated."

Namjoon raised a brow. "It's complicated?" He repeats. "Or is he refusing to be with you?"

The older male sighs. "I'm not trying to be rude but it's really none of your business." He looks at him. "It's between me and him."

You broke my Hyung's heart. Of course it isn't my business but he told me the story about you. Namjoon sighs. "I get it. I just...I want to know if you guys are cool. I at least need to know about that."

Seokjin shrugs. "Since I'm still seems like we're okay with each other."

Namjoon nods. "Okay. That's fine I guess. Um..." He decides to get up from the couch, moving his cat off him. "Just uh, let Mudo snoop around. Just keep her away from the fireplace. I'll get everything situated." He goes to his other backpack and unzips it. "I have everything for her, so I think you'll be fine for the moment." He takes out a bag of cat litter and a half cut box.

Seokjin nods a bunch, standing up too. Then, he wants to know something. "How'd you and Yoongi meet?" He asks.

Namjoon stops from taking cat food out of the bag. He looks at him, still bent down at the backpack. "What?"

"Yoongi never told me how you guys met."

Namjoon looks back into his backpack and sighs. "My parents abused me and I was on the streets for a while. He took me in because I was annoying him. I went back to my parents since I felt horrible and followed their rules. But now, I planned to move out once I graduate because they're the same fuckers I grew up with." He puts the cat food down on the couch, looking at him. "Does that answer your question?"

Seokjin blinks. "Oh."

"By the way, I planned it before you even showed up crying to my Hyung." Seokjin knits his brows at his rude response. Namjoon looks away and zips up the backpacks, having some of his clothes in them. "I'm living with my boyfriend during this time so I'm just leaving some of my stuff here. Graduation isn't that far." He comments, then looks at him. "I'll leave now."

Seokjin lowers his eyes.

Namjoon takes out his phone from the side of his backpack and shoves it in his back pocket. He glared at him before sitting up more and leaving, twisting the door knob and walking out. Seokjin looks up and watches him leave. His brows relaxed and sighs, lifting a hand up to his forehead, rubbing his eyebrows.

He obviously doesn't like me. It was awkward as hell. I have a feeling it's how Yoongi told him about us. Seokjin thought, moving his hand off his face and sitting himself back down on the chair, leaning himself back. I really do hope he doesn't think that way for a long time. He really does hope, closing his eyes, frizzing up his hair a bit from the thoughts.

I never thought about trying to forget Yoongi. Never.


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