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GINNY was confused.

She was planning on crashing her friend's date this evening, just like she always does, and that was until she got an unusual text from Harry Potter himself.

It sounded like a friendly message asking to hang out, but to her, it meant more than anything she could ever describe.


potter 💓

Hey gin! I was hoping
we could hang out
today :)

If you're
free, of course.

hey harry<3
of course! just
give me a time & a
place and I'll be there :)


Although, she felt kind of terrible that he texted her last minute and she immediately gave in. Maybe she should've played a little harder to get.

He sent her a text addressing the place and time - which was obviously Hogsmeade but just in an hour. She ignored a major part of herself saying 'yes, yes, yes' and sent him a text back saying she was busy instead.

A little while later, her phone lit up with a text from Harry saying, "Oh, okay :(" and she almost regretted her decision of saying no.

She ignored his text and texted her best friend, Audrey instead.


addy 💊

i hope ure ready
for the date crashing
cause ik i am 💅


ill see u outside
ur dorm in 5


Ginny felt awkward in her outfit, which was, mind you, a faded oversized beige t-shirt with a pillow stuffed inside her shirt for her 'dad-bod' and loose vintage jeans she stole from her dad. She even got her hair tucked in a wig and lots of makeup on her face, making her transform into someone unrecognisable unless you knew her really well.

A minute after knocking on Audrey's door, she opened, looking nothing like herself either. She wore a long white wig, a really, really old dress which looked like it belonged to the 50's and funky looking glasses.

She took one look good and Ginny and squeaked, "We're such a cute couple, oh my god," which made Ginny laugh a little.

"Yep, we're so ready for this," Ginny declared, smiling. "And where'd you get that dress anyway? It looks so rusty," She comments, raising her brows.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," Audrey winked.

"X-O-X-O, Gossip girl," Ginny finished and gave her a sly look.

"Bitch, when'd you watch that?" Audrey gasped.

"That's for me to kn-" Ginny tried to mimick the other girl, only to get a slap on her shoulder to which she laughed loudly.

"Okay we gotta get going," Audrey said, before walking first to lead the way.

Ginny held out her hand in a sophisticated manner, to which Audrey curtsied and took her hand and they both walked through the corridor, with joined elbows, pretending to be royalty.

Soon, after a little chatter, they reached Hogsmeade and immediately went towards Madam Pudifoot's.

"You think they'll be here?" Ginny asked, unsure.

"Wait, I think I see her," Audrey said, before bending her neck to see if it really was Pansy.

"Oh, that's definitely her. But why is she sitting alone?" Ginny asked skeptically.

"You don't think she got stood up do you?" Audrey asked, with a slight hint of panic.

"Zabini would never do something like that." Ginny responded, now starting to panic slightly too. They both knew what would happen if Pansy got into a bad mood and they definitely wouldn't want that.

"Unless it's not Zabini she's on a date with," Audrey said, thinking.

"Then who else could it be?" Ginny asked. They both ponder upon the question before turning back to the sound of heavy footsteps.

"Is that-" Audrey made a concerned face before getting cut off by Ginny.

"That's Theodore fucking Nott," Ginny said, shocked.

"But- but she said-" Audrey tried to reason, but stopped.

"What is he holding? Tulips? Chocolates? Gosh, he's really on a date with Pans. She adores Tulips," Ginny said, with a weird expression.

"I'm confuzzled," Audrey commented before going back to observe what was happening with the couple.

"She's leaving? Girl, what?" Ginny spoke, confused.

"Poor Theo," Audrey muttered.

"Okay, this is really weird. Maybe we should go back and change and then ask Pansy what this was all about," Ginny suggested to which Audrey nodded to.

Before stepping out of the café, A mop of blonde hair caught Audrey's eyes but Ginny dragged her away before she could see the face. Was that Malfoy? Probably not.


Pansy refused to explain what happened in the café.

Of course, Ginny and Audrey both got a half an hour long lecture about why they should just mind their own business and not stick their nose in everyone's life - which they deserved, Audrey asked Pansy about what happened. Again.

"Addy, I told you. I don't wanna talk about it. It's complicated." Pansy sighed.

"You know you can always tell us anything. We won't judge." Ginny said, trying to comfort her.

"Ah, shut up. I know you would judge. That's what you do," Pansy spoke, narrowing her eyes at Ginny.

"Uh- well it's not really my fault you all are really bad at decision making when it comes to relationships!" Ginny defends herself.

"Speak when you get into one," Audrey mumbled.

"Period," Pansy agreed.

"I hate you guys," Ginny mumbled before getting up. "Anyways, who wants some chicken nuggets? I stole some from lunch today."

"Me," Both the girls replied and threw each other dirty glances.

"Nevermind. I'll eat them myself." Ginny said and smirked.

"Tease," Pansy rolled her eyes.

"Only for you, babes," Ginny whispers and winked.


end of chapter four.

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