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HERMIONE felt ignored. It was not because of her friends, of course, but her recent...situation with a certain red-head had her going ballistic.

She was always the most reliable friend. If all her friends got drunk and needed a ride home, she'd be the driver. If someone needed someone to vent to, she'd be all ears and provide a caring, non-judgmental atmosphere for the said person.

She was always rational in all her decisions. Ron Weasley, however was the complete opposite.

Hermione always saw herself falling in love with someone smart and kind and aspiring to be anything but a candy shop owner, yet here she was, crushing hard on Ron, the same messy, moody and sometimes disgusting Ron she grew up with.

She tried to ignore it as hard and long as she could - the way her heart fluttered whenever he talked to her, or the way she found herself smiling when he posted a picture of her holding her books on his story tagging her and captioning it 'Not me jealous of the books' even though it was just a joke. It was all just a joke to him, anyway.

She finally got the motivation to step out of her dorm to go to the great hall to get some breakfast and as soon as she stepped into the hallway, she found her pink fluffy slippers getting stamped on. She was about to say 'Hey, what the heck?' when she noticed who it was. Ron.

"Oh- I'm sorry. I didn't notice." He sheepishly apologized as Hermione bent down to adjust her slippers.

"You never did." She mumbled to herself, trying to beat the dust off.

"Huh?" He asked.

"I said 'it's fine' get a hearing aid, Ronald." She snapped harshly, getting up.

"Geez, what's with you today?" He muttered, surprised at her haughty attitude.

Hermione just rolled her eyes and walked away, her journey toward the Great Hall resuming.

God, what was she doing? She was supposed to make him like her, not potentially make him think she was a grumpy witch.

As soon as she entered the hall, she spotted Leanne, glad to see a familiar face and walked up to her.

"Hey," She started as she sat down at the Gryffindor table, Leanne taking a seat next to her.

"Good morning, Mione. You seem upset. What's the deal?" She spoke, her voice changing from chirpy to concerned in less than a second after scanning Hermione's face.

"Nothing, really. Just didn't get much sleep. I was up all night studying for the potions test." She replied, making sure her voice did not betray her by showing any kind of emotion.

"Oh- OH shit. I am fucked. I forgot about the test," Leanne panics. "Gotta go. I'll prepare atleast a little bit in the meantime." She says, getting up.

Hermione takes the sandwich from her plate and wraps it in tissue paper. "Have it while you prepare. Good luck," She says, trying to sound supportive.

"Aw, thank you. You're too sweet. See you," She speaks, her eyes expressing gratitude as she takes the wrapped up sandwich and starts to walk away. She takes out a book from her bag and starts reading it when,

"So this seat's empty right?" A booming voice bursts into her ear as soon as she started focusing on her meal again.

"No, not unless you're..." She starts but looks up from her book to see him again and her speech falters, "...Addy or Ginny."

"Maybe I could try and pass as a male version of Ginny?" He grins as he sits down. "So what's up, Mi?"

Hermione melts inside. She loved it when he called her "Mi" although everytime he would say sentences like "That would be me" or "This is for me", it got a bit confusing because why would he be refering to Hermione when someone asked who his soup was for? But it was the fact that only he called her that made it

"Just...stuff. The usual," What she said accompanied with an awkward laughter lead to the uncomfortable silence for a while.

"I was just...wondering if you'd want to go to the party-dance thing on the weekend with me." Ron spoke, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Oh. Sure. Why not?" She awkwardly laughed again, much to her own disappointment.

"I mean like this party is not that big a deal but showing up date-less is what losers do and I didn't wanna go through the trouble of asking around, you know?" He said, as if it was mandatory to say that.

"Okay," She said, not sure of what else to say. It hurt her that that was why he asked, but she accepted anyway. "Wait, what is this party thing anyway?"

"I have no idea. A party's a party though," He said, chewing his chicken wing.


Pansy was, least to say, humiliated of her 'hickey'. Now, she had to wear a turtle neck in the hot summer air, all thanks to Audrey and her untimely confession. It was not like she didn't like one of her best friends having a crush on her other best friend, but rather that she adored her and didn't like that she chose him of all people- the most uncommitted person in the entire world. She loved him, but he was too much of a ladies' man.

She was putting on last touches when Audrey suddenly barged into her room. "You're wearing that?" She asked, sounding defeated.

"Yeah, it's all your doing," Pansy replied, putting on lip balm.

"No," Audrey sighed, dragging out the 'o'. "I wanted that top."

"For what, exactly?"

"Would you believe me if I said it was to go on a date?"


"It's to spy on Draco," She admitted, sounding embarrassed. "A black turtleneck would be perfect for it. Ginny's already ready."

"Ugh, fine." Pansy sighed. She was simply not in a mood to argue.

"You're literally the best, you know that?" Audrey smiles wide as she gets near to Pansy and pinches her cheeks.

"You're a weirdo, you know that?" Pansy says back, trying to taking her top off.

"I've been told."

end of chapter seven.

;- ꒰ °RITZ SPEAKS!꒱ ✧.*

╰┈➤ so that's that. hope u liked it 💘 if you didn't then kys :) ahaha. just kidding, don't do that. see u in the next chapter<3

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