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PANSY was experiencing cold feet. Theodore had just texted her, re-checking with her about their reservation. Just a matter of minutes ago, Pansy was eagerly trying to choose a dress for the date, but now, she simply stared at her blank screem, not knowing what to do.

6:53 P.M

hey, I’m not sure
how I’m feeling ab
this rn.

What? what do
you mean?

I mean...Idk.
I’m not sure we
should go.

Pans, come on.
Don’t do this now.

it’s just...
i have this weird
feeling, thats all.

Sure it’s not just
cold feet?

idk, it might be lol

I’ll see u then :)


Pansy nervously walked outside her dorm, wearing a mini black chiffon globe dress with a thick shearling coat enveloping her, clutching her purse as tight as her knuckled allowed her to.

She saw Theodore in the common room, looking at his phone, boredom clear in his eyes. Then, it hit her. He had been waiting for her. He lifted his head up, as if he could feel her intense gase upon him.

She felt her body stiffen as his eyes roamed all around her. She caught herself extremely embarrassed yet satisfied by that reaction. Afterall, she had weeded out her closet in hopes of finding an appealing dress, he better look.

"Pretty," Theo murmurs as he stands up, taking her hand to kiss it.

"Can’t say anything bad about you either, Nott." Pansy smiles, she meant it. He was dressed in an all-white shirt, first few buttons undone and his pants matching his black suit coat.

Pansy swore she saw a blush tint Theo's cheeks before it quickly faded away. Her initial apprehension had transformed into a growing anticipation as they locked eyes.

"Shall we?" Theodore asked, gesturing towards the doors.

Pansy nodded, her smile widening. "Absolutely."

The whole ride on the carriage, Theo brought up funny things that happened in the last week, followed by Pansy talking about their "stunt" by putting up their numbers, and finally ended in them talking about how beautiful Hogsmeade is at that time of the year.

They got down the carriage and walked side by side, their steps in sync, as they made their way to the restaurant. She felt comfortable and at ease with Theo, their conversations flowing effortlessly.

As they arrived at the restaurant, the ambiance and soft lighting set a pleasent, romantic mood. The host led them to their table and Pansy was surprised to see the sight. The table was adorned with a beautiful bouquet of tulips.

"Do you like it?" Theo asks, his tone fidgety.

"I love it." Pansy says, looking at him with a glossy smile.

Then they talked, and talked, and talked. It felt as if time stood still, and they were the only two people in the room.

Pansy marveled at how easy it was to be with Theodore. He listened attentively, his eyes focused on her as she spoke, making her feel important.

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