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LEANNE regretted choosing to go on the Nargle Hunt.

Luna was immaculately silent throught their journey, making Leanne do nothing but doubt herself over and over again. What if she had misread the whole situation?

Just as Leanne built up enough nerve to say she should get going then, Luna asked her, "You don't have your own spectrespecs, do you?"

"No?" Leanne replied, almost questioningly.

"Good. I brought extra," Luna smiled, holding open her purple tote bag for Leanne to take one.

"Thank you," Leanne smiled back at her, taking the glasses. She placed them on Luna's button nose, brushing her cheek slightly, causing Luna's pale skin to to emerge as slightly crimson.

"We...we should go," Luna announced, taking lead.

They both walked alongside each other towards the dark forest, each wanting to tightly hold on to the other in extreme fear but each too terrified to do it.

"Uh, have you found any nargles?" Leanne asked, adjusting her spectrespecs.

"No, they always know I'm here somehow," Luna sighed.

"That's tough," Leanne replicated her sigh.

"Yes. Well, I suppose we should go now. It's getting dark," Luna suggested.

"Hey Luna...I don't want to fuck things up or anything but I just want to ask-" Leanne started confidently but soon lost the bravado and started to stutter. "Uh, you know..."

"I don't know. What?" Luna asked airily.

"Nevermind. What about them Nargles, eh?" Leanne nervously laughed walking ahead.

"What were you going to ask?" Luna repeated, suddenly seeming determined.

Leanne sighed. "I was...I was going to ask you if you..." Leanne paused, closing her eyes and running her hands through her hair. "I was going to ask you if you wanted to go somewhere...together," She finally said, opening her eyes.

Luna remained silent and stared straight at Leanne, no signal to take away from her face. She simply walked ahead of Leanne.

"Wha..." Leanne started but followed her regardless, incredibly confused.

Luna did not utter a word but kept looking back every five minutes to check if Leanne was following or not.

Soon, they were deep inside the Forbidden Forest, only the sound of crickets chirping heard. Leanne looked around her while Luna took out her wand and muttered a spell under her breath. Almost immediately, the ground beneath them started to slightly tremble. Luna held out her hand without looking at Leanne and Leanne held on to her quickly. The sky started shifting, changing from coal black to beautiful blankets of teal and periwinkle.

Luna and Leanne watched the transformation occur hand in hand, smiles gracing both their faces.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Luna whispered, her eyes sparkling as she watched the sky.

"Very." Leanne replied, staring not at the sky, but at Luna.

Luna finally turned to look at Leanne. "Leanne?"

"You look so angelic," Leanne whispered to Luna, whose entire face was covered with a transparent blanket of lavender.

"Leanne, I like you," Luna announced, smiling. "A lot."

"I like you too. A lot," Leanne smiled back, and it was a smile that make anyone looking at her blush.

"A lot?" Luna asked, her eyes shimmering.

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