Chapter 3: Drown in sickness

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    "Sumi! Sumi!!" I opened my eyes and saw Minso's face blocking the sun. I also saw everyone surrounding me, snickering at my condition.

I gasped and sat up quickly, looking around to see if he's still around, lurking and watching me from afar.

"fuck...!" I stood up and sprinted away from those shape-shifting assholes. Minso grabbed my arm and stopped me. "Sumi! What the hell is going on with you?!"

"Fuck! Let go!" I ran out of the school... headed nowhere. I don't really know where to go and where I should stay since the school is full of dickheads and my mother is acting weird. Literally in this world I can't trust anyone... just like he said.

My escape got me to a small river under a bridge. I sat on the wooden bench and shakily exhaled...

"it's better to be alone right...? Just like my usual hobby..." I looked both ways to check my surroundings.

"he won't show up right...? That mother fucker only comes out at night time so I'm... safe. For now." I looked at my hands and wondered, am I immortal here...? What the hell happened to the real me? Did I die?!

I heard footsteps from the side and made me jump from my seat. "hey hey! It's me!" Minso slowly walked towards me. "Did you follow me here!?"

"s-sort of? I just thought that this would be the place you'd go to whenever you need silence. Plus... I confessed to you right here, remember...?"

Only him and I knew about that. We were alone when he confessed because he felt embarrassed that his friends would see the humiliation in his face when he gets rejected. But I claimed his confession and made him happy...

Maybe he really is my Minso... I ran to him and hugged him tightly as I cried. "Hey... you can talk to me. I'm not gonna judge you or anything... You know I'd help you right?" I shook my head.

"I'm fucking mad at you...! You said you'd always be there whenever I needed you!" I pulled away and wiped my tears aggressively. "I was scared, Minso...! I really needed you!!" He took my hands off of my face and gave me a kiss.

"Sorry I didn't take you seriously the other day... but I'm here now. You can tell me anything! Or... if you don't want to, then don't. I'm not gonna force you. I'll just stay here with you till you feel better." He drags me back to the bench and sits me down next to him.

"What exactly happened?" He asks. I breathed hesitantly, deciding if I should tell him the whole story. I'm still afraid that he wouldn't believe me... but no one would be able to help me out of this misery if I don't speak. "the last time I remember... was waking up from a car crash, perfectly fine. Then I went home and noticed that my mom had become nicer... in a weird way." He furrows his brows.

"I thought it was just a dream so I slept it off. But the next day, my mom was still the same... and like I said, A man chased me with a knife in his hand."

"...but, why are you sleeping on the grass in front of school?"

"Okay, this is the worst experience so far. Last night After school, When i went to the bathroom, He showed up and smashed my face against the mirror...! And he tried to drown me!"

"what??? What does he look like?" he asks.

"He wears a black suit with a black tie and uh... a white mask!! Without a mouth!"

"like a full face?"

"yeah yeah!! It's like... he doesn't have eyes but I know he's wearing a mask. It's just so dark inside it! I can't even see any part of his face! Except his ears! He has piercings... as well."

I looked at Minso's ears and noticed he has the same piercings as the man who's trying to kill me... same black studs and helix loop with chains. Minso...? No... it must be a coincidence... Minso's hair is red, not brown.

"babe...? What else did that asshole do???"

"Oh...uhh, he buried me. Then I woke up... seeing your face." I gulped and slightly backed away from him.

"I don't understand. Why are you still alive then...?"

"That's what I'm trying to find out. It's really driving me insane, Minso. The least you can do is believe the nonsense I'm saying..." I inhaled sharply and grabbed his hand. "you have to see for yourself."

We both skipped school and waited for the moon to rise... But Minso was already having a doubt that the unknown guy would come for me again. "How long do we have to wait? We can't stay here that long, Sumi....!" Minso whispered.

"Are you scared?" I asked in a cold tone. "No! I'm cold! A-and sleepy..." I sighed. "fine... go home. Seems like he's not gonna show up anyway..."

"I'll walk you home." I shook my head. "I'm staying here till I have to run for my life."

"Sumi, if he's having a race with the cold, He'd totally lose. C'mon...! I can't leave you here alone!"

"Leave or stay. Choose." He started to fidget. "I'm not forcing you, Minso. Go home if you're tired but I'm staying here. Like it or not."

"What for?! Babe- you're the one who's driving me crazy!! I'm gonna die out of worry so please! Don't let me die!" He begs.

"Stop whining like a kid! I'll be fine! I'm just gonna try to take his mask off..."

"oh my fucking god... Sumi. I'm pretty serious! We're both gonna die if you keep doing this!"

"Why aren't you listening?! Leave! So that I'll die alone! Simple, ain't it?!" He sighs in irritation and kisses me deeply before I die.

"mmm-muah...! I know you're suicidal but for my sake, try not to kill yourself."

"Well, someone will, so I can't promise that."

"you're not helping!" I smiled and kissed the back of his hand. "I promise I'll come back for ya." He sighs and walks away, pulls out his phone and answers the call.

On second thought... that motherfucker could jump my boyfriend instead so I followed him quietly, just in case the guy shows up and attacks Minso.

I know using my boyfriend as a bait is a mean thing to do but I'll do everything to save him anyway. But as I followed him through the dark alleyway, I stopped and hid in the darkness as I watched him at the end of the path, searching for someone. A girl wearing a hoodie ran to him and made me pull out my pen.

Turns out she kissed him and wrapped her arms around him. My heart dropped at the same time as my pencil did... when I realized I became the other woman in just a second.

My tears started to fall like the shattered pieces of me. The feeling of betrayal destroyed every part of me. I became invisible... I suddenly did not exist in their memories as if they got their own love story.

I wanted to scream with anger but I was too broken to even express my emotions... like I couldn't feel anymore. I didn't care anymore. The only two people that I have who made me feel special... makes me wanna die, now that I've found their unpleasant little secret. I bet his friends know...

Someone turned me and pinned me against the wall. I saw him... the masked man. But I just stared at the darkness in his eyes as the tears fell from mine. I felt the sharp blade, piercing my stomach like a needle but I only felt sickness. I wanted to throw up but I couldn't let it out.

I just turned my head back to those traitors and watched them walk away from me as my blood gushed out of my mouth. He caught me in his arms before my knees went numb. He carefully lifts me up and carries me back to the river.

He walks in the water and gracefully lays me down under the surface while I slowly lose my blood. He then steps on my chest so that I wouldn't be able to gasp for air. I didn't even try to fight him off. I let him kill me... and I will let him again if I don't get out of here. 

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