Chapter 5: turning tables

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    I woke up at the place where I died again, But it was still dark. The moon that lights up the streets was still up in the sky... I wonder where he's gone. Is he gonna come for me again? I forgot to ask his name...

I looked down on my white shirt and saw the blood stains on it.

"How did he kill me this time...?" I'm assuming he put something in his tongue and passed it to me. If it's poison... then why is he still alive? Was he immune or immortal? This is so confusing. I thought in my head.

Then I got on my feet and went home without making any noise and by hiding myself in the shadows... however, I was found. The man in an elegant outfit was watching me from the post. He immediately glances at his watch and looks back at me in visible confusion.

"How did she get up so early...?" He muttered and pulled out a small old-fashioned book. At the end of the list, he reads,

365: Itsuka Sumi. . . . . . . . . . 20

Time: 46:02

"Her time... increased."

I peaked by the door of my mother's room and saw her sleeping peacefully instead of sewing in the middle of the night (which is one of the reasons why I'm sleep deprived).

I went to my room and calmly locked the door. I didn't even bother cleaning myself and putting on comfortable clothes... I just flopped in bed and stared at the ceiling.

Should I sleep... or not? It will take hours for the sun to rise...and My life is dull even in this world.

I heard a knock on my window and flinched. I quickly sat up and peaked from afar.

"he's... back...?"

"Sumi...!!" I heard Minso's voice and immediately got back on my feet, Ran to the window and opened the curtains.

"M-minso...?! What are you-"

"Can I come in...?" I opened the window and let him in.

"uhh... hey. Sorry to bother you at this time but... I just wanted to see you so bad."

"...well that's surprising." I sarcastically muttered and sat back on my bed. "actually... Can I crash here?"

"why? Did you guys have a fight that I don't know about?" I asked sarcastically.

"my friends? No... I just thought that... Maybe I should spend the night with you." He sat down next to me and sighed. "you see... I... I did a bad thing." he says.

"...what is it?" I ask in an unbothered tone since I already knew. "I... I'm not who you think I am... Sumi." I furrowed my brows and turned my face to him. But before I could even look at his face, he leaned over and kissed me. Then He pins me against the bed and slides his hands up my waist.

I quickly pulled away and saw Mr. Unknown. He smirks at me and gently runs the point of his knife down my cheek, all the way down to my neck.

"Why would you trust the guy who betrayed you... darling~?"

"I... I-" He chuckled and placed the knife down on my chest. "I know you're desperate..." He whispered and took his time unbuttoning my dirty shirt.

"However... you don't have any motivation to live anymore, which is weird because your time has increased..."

"w-what...? I don't-"

"Of course you don't understand. You're just a poor little girl who wants to live in a bubble forever... Ain't that right~?" He asks...

"w-who are you anyway...?!" He pulls away and I clench his sleeve. "don't go! Tell me what the hell's happening to me!! I can't fucking bear it anymore!" He grabs the knife and puts it in my hand. "Like I said... if you want this nightmare to stop, enjoy this cute little fella~" He looks me in the eye and turns cold.

"Anything that satisfies you will do the trick. Which also means..." He leans over and whispers in my ear.

"You get to do whatever you want." He goes to the door and looks back at me with a smile. "Give 'em a taste of their medicine, darling."

And so, when the sun has finally risen, I went to my shitty school and stood at the end of the hall with a metal baseball bat, all bloody and breathing heavily in anger from the massacre downstairs.

I was finally on the third floor... and I can't deny I'm frothing with excitement.

I started to run and scare them, smashed their heads as of I was in a fucking game. They don't exist anyway so it doesn't seem so bad for me to do. Plus, I'm not gonna let them kill my real self in fright.

Let's just pretend I'm in a lucid dream and I'm bathing in the blood of my enemies.

"Die! You fuckers! Go to hell!" I entered the classrooms and shot everyone with the pistol that I found in my non-existent father's drawer.

"Innocent my ass...! You're all a pain in my fucking ass! Fucking die! You shit heads!!" And then, I went to the last classroom and saw Minso trying to calm Kimi down. He looks at me in shock and shields Kimi from the harmful me. "...get off of her." I said.

"S-Sumi... let's talk!"

"I'm surprised you haven't forgotten my name yet... I bet you say her name more than mine." I've never in my life talked like that before...

"Sumi, listen-" I pointed the gun at his face and gave him a cold stare.

"get... away from her." I threatened. "...No." I tilted my head and reached Kimi's short blonde hair, pulled her out of his back and dragged her outside. She kept pulling back and trying to escape my grip so I shot her thigh and slowed her down.

Minso followed us both to the rooftop and watched me walk to the edge. "Sumi! Sumi!! Wait a sec!" I stopped and held her head up as she sobbed.

"l-let go...!! I'm sorry!" Kimi begs.

"Sumi... listen to me. You're going too far..."

"And whose fault is that?" I formed a wide smile on my face and laughed as my tears ran down my face.

"Aren't you proud of me?! I'm standing up for myself now! Isn't that what you've always wanted?! Maybe I should thank you! Since you're the one who told me to go nuts! But now you're doubting me?!"

"you're insane! Please let her go... Do this for me."

"Why would I? Who the hell do you think you are...?"

I've never spoken so cold that this side of me hurts my own self... maybe I'm not real as well.

"You treated me so well that I gave you all my trust! I blame myself for that one... And you," I shifted my head to Kimi and tightened my grip on her hair.

"You said, friends should never lie to each other... What are you then? Oh wait! I know! You're a selfish bitch! Who wants everything for herself."I sarcastically said.

"Sumi!" I threw her off the roof and watched Minso's flattering reaction...

"The hell is wrong with you?!"

"you... Minso. I hate you as well." He walked backwards as I walked towards him. I pulled out my knife and forced a smile. "you know... I really love you. I still do."

I embraced him and started to sob. "...I love you so much but I didn't know how to tell you. It hurts that I don't have to bother anymore..."

"Ack-" Blood streamed down from his mouth as his lips quivered. I pulled away and looked at his pitiful face.

He fell on the floor and started a puddle of his own blood. I fell down on my knees and bawled my eyes out.

"How could you do this...?! You said... you weren't the type to...!" He shifts his head to me and gently touches my bloody cheek. "...forgive me." His voice shattered my heart. He was in pain but he kept forcing himself to smile.

Even though he made me feel sick, I was hurt seeing him like that. Real or not, it was painful. He even used his last breath to apologize... I'm afraid that I'm the one who's at fault now.

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