Part eighteen

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~ Y/n's Pov: ~

It's been a week since my incident, honestly I am feeling better. Not the best but defently not like last week.


Me and Jinx were in school, the morning was normal as usual.
Only thing is that I keep getting weird headaches.
I was drawing in class since math is literally the most boring subject everrrr. I don't really wanna listen to what she says...especially that we got the most annoying teacher after the other one..uhm, dissapeared?

Teacher:" You guys may go now. Please remember to finish the project, so everyone will have it on the 22nd"

The teacher annnounced.
I was still drawing, not paying attention to anything. I didn't realize the teacher, the students, nor the bell.

J:" Hey Y/n!"
J:" Y/n?...Y/N!"

Jinx shouted, ripping the pencil out of my hand.
I quickly snapped afterwards.

Y/n:" Oh, I'm sorry Jinx."
J:" zone out a lot in math. You know that your grades in math are poor right?"
Y/n:" I'm sorry."
J:" Eugh...Y/n don't apologize!! Let's go noww"
Y/n:" Right-"

I packed my stuff and shortly after Jinx dragged me outside

J:" I think when we get home I will need to tutor you"
Y/n:" math isn't that bad."
J:" 25 x 6"
Y/n:"... 150?"
J:" Took you long enough."
Y/n:" NO IT DID NOT???"
J:" Righ, right...totally didn't!"
Y/n:" Whatever...let's just go to lunch now!"
J:" Agreed, I'm hungry as helllll!"

~ ☆ ~
(at lunch)

Y/n:" Gosh...after this we have physics right?"
J:" Yeah, I honestly like physics."
Y/n:" Of course you do, math freak.."
J:" Excuse me"

Y/n chuckles while Jinx gives her an, not serious, but annoyed look.

J:" Whateverrr, I'll brb to the bathroom!!"
Y/n:" Alright!"

I look back at my food, getting a slight headache. I try to drink something but the headache gets heavier and heavier.

'Shit...why is this happening now.'

You say to yourself, trying to block off the whispering voice that are getting louder.

?:" Hey freak, what is your shy ass doing here alone..stayed lonely as the old times huh?"
Y/n:" ..."
??:" Awh, still not being able to speak?"

It was old school bully. She never has changed huh?

Y/n:" Get the fuck away from me, will you?"
H:" Wh-"

Harper gets a little bit shocked but it quickly changed. She started smirking

H:" Woah, I never thought you could talk back~"

Harper proceeded to talk some bullshit as your voices are getting louder. These voices that are trying to break you down already, "showing" you images you don't wanna see, those that have traumatized you..and those that make you just feel worthless.

Y/n:" Can you actually shut the fuck up?! Like cmon you come to this school and already humiliate me because you're a fucking childish bitch who can't grow up!"

I stood there, absolutely pissed.
I have let out a small sigh as Harper looks at you stunned. Rage forming onto her face.

H:" You poor thing,I will make your fucking life hell now..."
Y/n:" You being here is already making my life hell, seeing your fucking face here is like seeing satan himself right the fuck now. Please grow up from these "I will make your life hell" because only children say that, alright?"

Harper looks me up and down, even more anger forms in her face but,
the only thing she did was push me onto the floor and leave.

'Well that was a pathetic attempt of bullying.'

I stood up and sat back down on the chair, the voices have gone silent finally. Maybe letting my anger out is the only way to silent them..?

~ ♡ ~

J:" I'm back!! haven't ate almost anything, you good?"
Y/n:" I'm fine Jinx, there's nothing wrong."

~ Jinx's pov: ~

I have scanned the room of seeing anything suspicious, until I finally found someone starring at Y/n and laughing.

J:" Have those girls bothered you or upset you?"
Y/n:" No, I don't have an idea who they are!"
You let out a small chuckle.
You don't want Jinx to get into more shit or to worry.
J:" Alright then?"

Jinx continues talking about lots of stuff and what she has seen a teacher do, that's why she was away for 'a little' longer.

~ ☆ ~
(In physics)

~ Y/n's Pov: ~

Me and Jinx are sitting in physics, I don't really enjoy it/ you enjoy it and/but I am not really concentrated because of Harper. She keeps throwing small papers on my desk. But Jinx doesn't notice, she's busy concentrating on the lessons.

I decide to take one of these papers and read it.

"Hey, I just wanted to remind you that you should kill yourself!"
It says, she had probably written it on all off these papers just to piss you off or make you feel like shit.

You flip the paper and write down "same!" And angrily throw it in her face.

She gives me a smirk, she knows she has pissed me off. She's enjoying it.

The whole lesson long she has been starring me down, I try to focus on the lessons as best as I can though.

~ ☆ ~
(After school, at Jinx's room)

J:" seem a bit bothered. I swear if these girls-"
Y/n:" I said it's fine, I don't know them and they didn't do anything. Don't overthinking it okay?"

I explained to Jinx, getting my stuff ready for tutoring. Since Jinx has forced me to learn... urghh

J:" Whatever you say..."

She slowly turns your face to her and kisses you.

(You smell like Jayce's ass.😒)

Yandere Jinx x fem Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now