What should I do?

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It was only in the eveing after the lights outside went on and the sun already passed. I could hear some shifting behind the door which told me it was already pretty late and they all were about to go to sleep. Of course I ignored the knocks and calls to get down for food or anything. I knew I didn't had the nerves for it today and so I ignored it.

However as I was burring my face into my arms while I was still sitting there on the ground, I heard a knock on the door once again.

Yamada: Izuku... I wanted to let you know that I am sorry for what happened. Me and Sho decided to get you checked up by a good friend of ours who is also a medic... that is if you are alright with it.

Once again the moment he said that, I started freaking out a bit. No! I was not alright with that. I had some scars because of the whip they used on me and I had soo many signs of just sexual abuse on my body that it was embarrasing and disguasting to see them. Of course I didn't wanted to let anyone know about that.


I won't go!

I will get out of here before that!

I hate it here!

I never wanted to be here in the first place!

I really never wanted to bere at all. With my mind set, I decided not to answere this hero but get to the window once again and since I never closed it, it was still open and till now I totally forgot about this. My world was spinning and it just came to me that it all this time eventho I felt like they just removed the carpet and ground beneath me, I was still alive and there. 

Whatever I did was in my hands and so I went to the window and looked outside. It was easy to get out and run but what then?

I was too young to work and I couldn't do anything on my own as of now. 

That was the harsh truth which stopped me from actually going though with my desires of getting out og there.




I can't even run away!

Where should I go?!

If I am on the street then what?

I can't be there forever!

He also said something about UA?!

Are these two heroes?!

If that is so then I am doomed!

There is no running around!


Knowing what I knew it sounded more and more like a dumb idea and so I closed the window and decided to just go to bed. Tomorrow was another day which hopefully would be a lot better but who knew. Maybe it was worse.

That night I didn't manage to sleep at all. My mind was way to disturbed to even get some proper sleep. I couldn't help but feel like a mistake that never should have happened. When the morning came, I decided to get down to the kitchen bringing the food they left in front of my door down as well as start making some breakfast.

Of course I didn't know what they liked but one could never go wrong with pancakes. So of course I started doing them but once I finished I saw the two other kids looking at me.

Toshi: Good morning. I am Hitoshi and this is Eri.

Me: (Not a great morning but still good morning to you guys. As you know I am Izuku) Morning. I am Izuku.

It was weird to see them awake but not the adults at all and so I decided to ask them about Yamada and Aizawa.

Me: (What's with the hobo and that other guy?) Are they still sleeping?

Toshi: Yeah. Ama go wake them up.

Me: Mh!

The moment he got out of the room the drama started because this little dramam queen came at me and oh boy I already had a bad feeling about this.

Eri: Leave our house! You don't belong here!

Me: (Oh I don't want to be here either princess!) No can do.

Eri: I'll tell papa how mean you are.

Say what now?

I never touched you nor did I ever do something to yo-


Before I knew what was going on, she purposely pushed me so that the oil and the pancake landed on her hand. Of course it was still hot and I also dropped the pan which directly burned my skin because this idiot tried to catch it.

The girl immediately started crying and the adults came inside rushing to her pushing me to the side. I knew this trick all to well. This was something little kids did sometimes when they felt like someone was stealing their attention away. Of course that would probably be the case seeing I was the newcomer and so it didn't surprise me at all but the screaming following that did.

Eri: *Sob* HE SAID HE WOULD BURN ME! *sob*

Me: ...

I had no words for what she was telling them right now.

Eri: *sob* HE IS MEAN!*

Aizawa: Come on. Let's go to the bathroom and get this treated kitten.

While both looked at her and cleaned up a bit of the mess, this hobo picked the girl up and went out of the room leaving me with Hitoshi and Yamada alone. Of course I didn't need more attention nor did I wanted it so I hid the burned skin I had on my hand with my other hand.

Yamda: IZUKU! How could you do that?

Me: (I NEVER DID THAT! SHE JUST PUSHED ME!) I am sorry. It was an accident.

Yamada: Such accidents don't happen.


Yamada: Did you do this on purpose?!

Me: (NO! HECK NO!) I am sorry.

Yamada: I am dissapointed in you.

Oh I am dissapointed in my own quirk!

I started once again biting down on my lips harder than usually and ripped open a wound I already had. It was the same thing I did each and every time when I couldn't stand my quirk but it kinda did hurt seeing him trun his back to me and leave the kitchen to see what would happen to that little girl.

By now it was just the two of us left here.

Hitoshi: Did you really do that?

Me: ....

Hitoshi: Did you do that?

Me: (NO! She freak-) No.

For the first time in my life I felt something happening. Someone was trying to controll me and it felt bad. I hated this feeling soo much. My whole body froze and my mind was working in an incredible speed. Now I knew what his quirk was and it was one I hated for sure. This reminded me about the head stuff of the orphanage and of course I wasn't one to stand this so the more emotional and worked up I got the more I got out of his controll and before I knew it, I grabbed the first place which was close to me and threw it at him.

Me: (GO TO HELL!) Leave me alone!

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