They know..

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The moment the healer went out completly I decided to to get to the bathroom and then follow the voices. She was sure to say something about me and I wanted to know what it was. This was how I followe th voice till I got downstairs  to the living room. Of course I didn't get into the living room but was actually standing there by the hallway.

Yamada: How is he?

RG: You saw his reaction you stupid cockatoo and you Caterpillar never do this again.

Aizawa: *sigh* I won't. I didn't thought that my own scarf would make him react this way.

RG: Yeah because you two are dumb and stupid.

Yamada: Ahm... RG... is ther something we missed?

RG: Missed you asked... MISSED?! Come here and let me whack you. Did no one saw the hickey he had at his collar bone?

Yamada: HE WHAT?!

So she did saw it...

I thought I was carefull enough to hide it.

Aizawa: Zashi your quirk.

Yamada: Sorry... but you mean he was sexual abused.

RG: I fear that is the case. 

Aizawa: Bondage.. that would explain his reaction to my scarf. *sigh* this is troublesome.

Oh if you knew...

I hate it!

I don't want that!

You think I ever wanted that?

RG: At least someone has some brain cells here. Now with the incident in the kitchen what happened exactly.

Yamada: Eri got burned by some pancakes on the chest because of the hot oil and the pancakes.

Aizawa: Zashi, he got burned himself.

Yamada: Huh?

Toshi: He hid it the moment you guys were focused on Eri and he didn't do it on purpose.

Yamada: How do you know?

Toshi: I ahm...

RG: You used your quirk on him? Tell me if you did this! 

This healer started to sound more and more threatening to them than actually helping them but I couldn't help but want to listen what was happening.

Aizawa: *Sigh* HITOSHI SHINSOU! Speak up!

Toshi: Yes... I used my quirk on him... He said no when I asked if he did it on purpose but he also threw a damn plate at me... not that I didn't deserve this one.

RG: So that was the breaking sound.

Yamada: Oh my god.... Did I wrong him then?

Aizawa: Did you accuse him Zashi?

Yamada: I don't know.. I was too focused on our little daughter and I don't know what I said.

RG: You dumb cockatoo! I swear if he is your son, then be prepared for some whacking!

Yamda: I am sorry!

This was enough for now. I really didn't needed to hear more than that but apparently that was not the case because when I started to walk up the stairs I met Eri at the top of the stairs. She looked at me and then smiled. 

Hell NO!

I know what she is thinking!

I can't get into more troubles!


She stepped forther to the stairs not even wanting to take a step down and I knew that no matter what I did, I would get scolded again and this was how I decided to not only speak up but actually act as the stupid kid who actually slipped and fell down. 

This was the only thing I could do right now to stop her and so I started walking down and purposely slipped. Of course I looked up and saw her shocked reaction.


The moment the people heared the rumble they came to the stairs and saw me there getting up again. I just looked at them before continueing to get up and then downstairs. They all looked at me and then at Eri on the top who didn't and couldn't believe what was happening.

Two can play in this game!

You think I want to get scolded more?!


Now get back to your room bitch!

Yamada: Are you okay?

Me: (Yeah look at your own daughter..tho!) I just slipped for a bit. I am fine.

I still went on and passed them. Of course I didn't let anyone touch me and it was Aizawa who actually stopped Hitoshi from touching me this time.

Aizawa: *sigh* leave him be Toshi.

Toshi: But, I just want to say sorry.

RG: And I will be going now. It looks like you have full hands on deck here.

Aizawa: Zashi, you can take care of Eri and Toshi, let me be with him.

That was what I heard from behing me as I went to the kitchen. All I wanted was a glass of water for now. Still I could hear his silent steps behind me and he didn't even try to hide his pressence or anything.

Aizawa: Izuku, I am sorry. We are sorry. We didn't knew what happened and judged too soon. Eri is still young and she went through soo much that we immediately reacted to her but we should have also taken care about you. 

Me: (You think a sorry will cut it?!) It's fine. I didn't expect much to begin with.

Aizawa: Problem child. If you wanna talk. I will always be here for you. Same goes to Zashi of course.

Me: (As if anyone would ever hear what I am saying.. you can.. you know what? Just screw you!) No thank you..

I started thinkig for a bit if there was anything I could do against my quirk but as far as I know there wasn't really anything possible. The reason why I never used paper to talk was also simple. People never read them and when they saw me having them they said I was crippled and started to treat me worse. I was just scared for this treatment. 

Aizawa: Alright but you know that we are here for you.

That was all he said before he left me leave the kitchen and go up to my own room. I had a feeling that today would get worse. Of course this was just a hunch but who knew that my hunch was more than just true.

 Of course this was just a hunch but who knew that my hunch was more than just true

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