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Disclaimer: Talk of sex, not Explicit Content, but it's mentioned from the past briefly. Suggestive content. Enjoy:)


The day of Chan's discharge had come, and you were nervous but excited to have him back home. The doctor said he was doing excellent and even let him go home a day early.

"So this is where we live. It's nice. But it smells too much like an Abercrombie and fitch store.'' Chan walked in slowly into the large apartment. His Fingers ran through the soft throw blanket that was draped on the gray L-shaped couch. He picked up a few photo frames that were scattered around the living space. Your eyes could hardly stay open, you stayed up late anxious about Chan's homecoming.

"We look happy together," Chan mumbled, and you caught it. You both indeed looked happy and were, for that matter.

"Felix told me to stop by the shop tomorrow. Maybe I'd remember something there."

"You should" you poured two cups of tea.

"Maybe I'll see how I feel in the morning." You helped him sit down on the couch. His legs and arms, still sore from the accident, didn't allow him to make much force.


"So......" the thick awkward silence was pure agony. You had lost any words to speak. And so did Chan.

"What do we normally do in the evenings?" He took small sips. Looking around trying to see if anything would trigger memories.

"We eat dinner and watch movies. I made the egg drop soup you asked for. When you're ready to eat I'll heat it up for you." He widened his eyes in excitement. Causing you to giggle a bit.

"I'm ready now." He tried getting up forgetting about his injuries. He yelped in pain, realizing he wasn't ready to make his own movements without help from you.

"Careful channie, we don't want you to end up back at the hospital. I'll get it for you babe wait here." He obeyed staying put. Only because it hurt too much to stand on his own. Otherwise he'd help you in the kitchen. He decided to look through the different channels on the smart tv across from him. Mounted above the mantel. He found a movie that interested him dearly.

"Not this one again. How many times will we watch deadpool?" You whined, noticing the movie he picked out. You placed the tray over his lap. Placing the bowl of soup on top. He just watched you in aew as you took so much care for him. Excited to dig in. Like a toddler he held the spoon in his hand. His little feet wiggled as he took small bites. Being careful not to burn his tongue. You watched how cute he smiled enjoying every ounce of food. Leaving no crumbs.

"It was delicious y/n, thank you." He smiled. You ruffled his hair before taking the dishes back to the kitchen. While Chan finished watching the movie you cleaned up. Afterwards, you returned to the living room. Not surprised to see Chan drifting off to sleep. He fought it so hard. His eyes opened wide everytime his head fell back.

"You can sleep in the bedroom and I'll sleep here on the couch." you spoke and he rushed to respond.

"No way! I don't think I'll sleep comfortably knowing you're sleeping on the couch. It's super uncomfy for you." he held his arms out for you, asking for help to get up. You wrapped your arms around his lower back. Trying so hard to pull him up from the couch. But his hefty body was no match for you. You sunk into his lap unintentionally. You stared at him, his face only inches away. You looked down at his lips wanting to kiss him so bad. Suddenly needing him in the most unholy way possible. His hot breath flaring up a fever. The goosebumps appeared all over your body as he curled his arm around your waist.

But you stood back up quickly Trying again, this time being successful. Not wanting to go any further. But deep down it's all you wanted. For it to go beyond limits. Once reaching the bedroom you helped him get bathed making sure to only look at his face. Unlike you hadn't already seen him this vulnerable before. You knew what he looked like in all his naked glory. But due to the circumstances he didn't know that. So he'd only feel uncomfortable if you allowed yourself to venture further then his chest. Though he picked up on how it never seemed to phase you. Realizing you'd seen him in this state before. Too many times to feel uncomfortable now. He blushed lightly hoping you'd speed up his shower time, with the help of him.

You both just lay in bed, looking up at the ceiling. Wondering what to say or do. You feel him shift his body to meet yours. "Hey...back...in the shower you seemed too cool...about...it...have...we...umm-"

"Yes...the answer you're looking for is yes we have had s..e..x" you cut him off knowing exactly where he was going.

"We've been together for over five years. It was bound to happen. Six months into the relationship if we're talking specifics." You say nonchalantly. As if it were just a normal thing to discuss. Chan could only die of embarrassment inside.

"How did we meet?" He asked, remembering you had yet to talk about anything related to the anticlimactic origin of your love story.

"Well we started off as friends in college. Long story short, you came in late to class one time and your usual seat was taken. So you took the only available seat. The one next to mine." You shifted your body to face him better. You both lay on your sides as Chan listened to the story.

"You kind of just sat there pretending to listen and I say pretending because you just doodled in your notepad. A motorcycle with red flames. I thought it was rather cool so I asked you if you were an art major-"

"And what did I say?" Chan was rather excited and so invested in a story about himself. Hearing it for the first time.

"You say 'no I'm a criminal justice major, don't ask why cuz even I don't know' to which I giggled, because crazy enough I was in the same situation." At the time you were studying to be a veterinarian. Lord only knows you didn't have the patience nor the heart to stick needles into animals.

"So we just bonded about being in the wrong career paths. I told you I wanted to be an actress and you wanted to one day design your own motorcycles. After class we ended up having lunch together. And you made sure to sit with me after that. It's super boring but if you weren't late for class we probably wouldn't have ever talked." You smiled to yourself remembering all the good memories. Wishing he could too.

"It just gave me chills, look at my hair, they are standing." Chan held his arm out for you and tried your best to see them in the dark abyss of the room.

"If it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't be an actress. You helped me recognize that being a vet wasn't my true calling. So you push me to apply for art school. And I pushed you to take some engineering and business classes and work on designs. You just put out your first design this year."

"What really? That's cool. I have my own motorcycle design on the market. That's crazy" he laughed in shock, amazed about his success. Which made you smile from ear to ear. Seeing how happy he reacted to hear it created warmth and excitement in your chest. Like the first time he opened his shop. The excitement he radiated could never compare to anything. You loved seeing him happy.

"Goodnight Channie," you whispered in the dark. After a while of silence you decided it would be best to sleep. Your eyes were trying to push through the darkness of the room.

"Goodnight y/n thank you for taking care of me today." He yawned slowly falling into the depths of the soft memory foam mattress.

Even with Chan sleeping soundly next to you, he still felt like a stranger. You watched as Chan slept, he was sleeping on his side facing you. His hands resting under his head. You pushed a few strands of hair away, then he did the unthinkable. He mumbled something before pulling you in. his arm wrapped around your waist. You were stunned and confused at the same time. Though you melted right into his touch. Baring your head into his chest. Falling asleep instantly. Hugging him close to you. 

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