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i don't know why i just am.

n e wayyyssss

this was supposed to be my second story but i like this one better therefore i'm posting this one first.

lets just pretend that Vance is 15 turning 16 and so is Finney, Robin and the others, all except Gwen.

i have no idea how a pinball machine works so just bear with me here. also i don't know what year Black Phone was set in so i'm just guessing between 1970's - 80's.

i think it's like 1977 or 1972 when Vance got kidnapped and then. a year later bruce, robin and finn got kidnapped

lowercase is intensional.

also if vance is ooc it's because i have absolutely no clue on how to write aggressive or like violent people.

i have like no chapters saved only half a chapter so just don't expect much.

SLOW UPDATES REMEMBER THAT. i update whenever i like and when i feel like it or when i have motivation to do so. these books i'm writing are just for fun so yeah.

have a lovely morning, afternoon, evening or night.


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