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"stupid pretty girl"

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"stupid pretty girl"

Vance woke up to the annoying sound of his father yelling at him to get up. not wanting another beating, he got up and got dressed. 

he took his jeans of the floor and hopped on one foot trying to get one of his legs in the pants. he took his white shirt and pulled it on over his head. he grabbed his denim jacket off his desk chair. he put on his boots. and walked out of his room.

Vance made a bee line towards his front door.

"where do you think you're going, boy?" he heard his father voice. he had clearly been drinking because his words were slurred and he had a beer in his hand.

'so close' he thought. never in his 14 years has he ever gone out the front door without his dad yelling at him or hitting him at least once.

"i'm going to school dad." Vance said, not even looking at his so called dad.

"without your school bag?"

"i left it at school." he said still not looking at him.

Vance could feel his dads eyes burning holes into the back of his head. "just go and pick up a six pack."

finally looking at his dad, Vance sighed and tried to find some excuse to get out of buying his beer.

"i- i'll be later for school dad." Vance sighed.

he chuckled bitterly. "like you have ever cared about school. just get them or there will be consequences."

Vance ran out the front door and away from his house.

he debated on going to the store and getting his dads alcohol but remembered that the woman that would sell him beer had her shift after school.

'looks like i'm getting a beating' with that thought, he set his way to school. he had already missed half of his first period so why join the class now?

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