Party Night

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BEFORE YOU READ THIS PART, people please please please follow me on Instagram. I am freakin thirsty for followers. So follow me @eat_thesepants.



Ehhhh! I don't know about this chapter. I just don't want any conflict in the story right now. It's too early. But I promised my bestfriend >>>>> RayBands__OhSoSpiffy


Alex's Pov...

When me and Chresanto got home, thankfully, my mom and his dad were sleeping peacefully in bed. We were still kind of high because our eyes were still kind of red. We walked up the stairs and then turned to kiss eachother then went into our separate rooms. I was too tired to take a shower so I just waited until I would wake up in the morning to do that. I took of my pants and laid in bed to go to sleep.


I woke at 6:00 in the morning in a empty bed. I went and took a quick shower then went and laid back into bed. I didn't have anybody to text because everybody was sleep and I was not about to go downstairs to make anything to eat. So I just laid in bed until it was at least 6:30. I was on my phone Facebooking and twittering until I heard my door crack open. Chres peeked his head in then walked into my room and shut the door behind him.

He lazily walked over to my bed and down on, putting his head on my chest . I smiled as I started to play with his baby curls in his head. "Good morning" I said as I gave him a kiss on his forehead. He mumbled it back and lifted his head up to give me a kiss on the lips. After,he got under the covers and laid back in my bed to go to sleep. I find it funny how no matter how sleepy he is, he always comes into my room when our parents go to work and sleeps in my bed.

I thought I'd join him because there was absolutely nothing to do and Facebook and twitter was starting to get annoying. Refreshing the page and seeing the same shit on their was starting to irk my nerves. Chres pulled me close as he wrapped his arms around my waist and we both fell asleep,snoring lightly and interlacing our fingers together.


I woke up to a text from Aundrea saying that Rayon was having a party at his house tonight. I sighed and sat up. I knew that me and chres were going but I don't think I have anything to wear. I was siting there wondering what I was gonna wear out of that closet of mines until I felt a pair of strong hands come in contact with my thigh and rub it. I heard the sound of a yawn and up came Chresanto from under the covers.

"Goodmorning Beautiful" he deep groggy voice said.

I smiled and replied back. "Good morning"

He pulled me closer to him and we shared a slow passionate kiss. We didn't care about morning breath even though it wasn't that bad. We pulled away and looked at eachother before he opened his mouth and said something.

"You know Ray is having a party tonight right?" He said getting out of bed and making his way to my bathroom.

"Yea, drea texted me and told me this morning" I said making my voice just a little bit louder. I heard him turn on the faucet and heard brushing. He came out and I saw a white foam coming out of his mouth with a toothbrush in hand. Letting me know that he was brushing his teeth.

"Do you want to go?" He asked making some of the paste fly unto my carpet. He turned around and walked back into the bathroom washing his mouth mouth the turning the faucet off.

"Now you know I'm going to that party, I just don't have anything thing to wear" I said as I watched him walk out the bathroom and come lay back on the bed.

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