Chapter 20

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Despite his earlier reservations after the debacle involving Akane and her mysterious letter, Caleb was still somewhat excited about his date tonight. And by the way, Sana's hand was quivering in his grip as they waited for her driver to pull up to the front of the school; it was clear she was excited too.

Not that he could blame her, it wasn't every day an opportunity like this presented itself to two fully realized Blood Sorcerers.

"Nervous?" he asked playfully.

She smirked at him and shook her head. "Not even remotely. If anything, I'm just thrilled right now."

He nodded. "Me too."

They stared into each other's eyes longingly—both of them yearning to tear the other apart piece by piece. Sana's driver pulled up in a black four-door car with tinted windows and plenty of room. After scooting in alongside her, Caleb shut the door, and the driver started down the road.

"Comfy?" Sana asked politely.

He took a moment to appreciate the leather interior better. "You certainly know how to travel in style."

She giggled. "Father insists."

A tense silence formed in the air between them. No sense in being coy about it. They both knew it was time.

"Haru," she called up to her driver.

He proceeded to roll up the window of the driver's cabin, giving them some much-needed privacy.

"I've gotta say, I'm pleasantly surprised you accepted my invitation," Sana admitted in perfect English. "Most of you Red Listers tuck tale and run the moment you're found out."

Caleb chuckled in amusement before responding in English as well. "And miss the opportunity to duel again? I think not."

She groaned in delight, placing a hand up to her chest. "A man after my own heart, truly. And don't worry, this isn't a setup. I'll at least give you a fighting chance. I always do."

"That's certainly kind of you."

"It's the least I can do, handsome. I mean, you're going to die either way. At least this way, we can both have a bit of fun first." She leaned in close and placed a hand on his leg, a suggestive look forming in her eyes. "So...I've always wanted to ask this. What's it like being on the Red List? Living day to day as a hunted fugitive of the Kin of C'thadra?"

He raised a brow at her, as calm as ever as she rubbed his thigh. "I'm more curious in knowing how you figured me out so quickly."

She laughed at that. "No offense, hun, but you haven't exactly been subtle since you got here. I know Tokyo is neutral territory and all, but you must have known someone would catch on before too long?"

"I could be a Sabinth loyalist," he offered. "Or hell, maybe even a Xin-Dao operator."

Sana rolled her eyes. "Please don't insult my intelligence, Caleb. I'm actually beginning to like you. If you were Sabinth, I would definitely have known before now. And no offense, but you're nowhere near Chinese enough to be from the Eastern Heresy." She shook her head. "No, I'm all too familiar with Red Listers. I've killed seven of your kind already."

At least Caleb could confirm one thing. This woman was loyal to the Chromharl sect of the Kin of C'thadra, the older and far more stuffy of the two fractious ideologies within the cult. It made sense one of them would be here. The Sabinth had no real interest in Japan as far as he could tell. Most of their current endeavors lay in the Middle East.

Now, if he could just figure out which of the Chapters she was from, he'd have a better idea of the opponent he was up against. The Kin of C'thadra were essentially divided into twelve Chapters, not including his own, with half joining the conservative and traditional Chromharl while the others joined the far more radical and aggressive Sabinth. Not taking into account defectors and turncoats at any rate.

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