Chapter 50

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The rest of the day was spent recovering. While Akane slept, Caleb kept up with the news regarding the attack on the school. Authorities still had no motive behind the seemingly random act of terror or what the perpetrators were after. Just as he had predicted, the authorities had no clue what it was they were chasing after or why. Any evidence they might have collected would be buried in the chaos. As far as they were concerned, the case was closed.

That night, after Angelika went to bed, the two teens snuck out and made their way back to the school. They had some unfinished business to take care of.

With Caleb's full power restored, getting back into the school was as easy as explaining to the police manning the perimeter that his girlfriend left her schoolbag in the building. Under the influence of his mind domination, no one questioned the two high schoolers entering a crime scene and making their way to the central courtyard.

"Look at that sky," Akane marveled up at the stars above.

Caleb smiled and nodded. "Like our own personal galaxy, right?"

She smiled up at him and nodded. The two lovebirds walked up to the infamous cherry blossom tree, the one for whom their destiny would be written under these beautiful stars. Caleb took his girlfriend by the hands and gazed up at him lovingly.

"Are you sure about this?"

She nodded. "I am. There's no other way."

"You can always change your mind," he assured.

Akane shook her head. "I'm certain. This is what was always meant to be."

Caleb looked up at the tree then back down at his smiling girlfriend before kissing the back of her hand. He then promptly sunk his teeth into her palm before biting down on his own palm. They interlaced fingers, blood mixing with blood, vitae with vitae.

A single oath, a promise for the future.

"I love you, Akane Toriyasu."

Her cheeks glowed, and her eyes swam under his gaze.

"And I love you...Abram Markarov."

The Blood Sorcerer pulled his hand away, bringing her vitae with him. Their energies swirled together in his palm before popping and sparking into a small inferno in his hand. Caleb hurled the ball of fire up into the branches, setting the tree ablaze.

They watched, hand in hand, as fate burned to the ground.

"I still don't get it," Caleb insisted. "Why burn the tree, darling? Wasn't this supposed to be our big moment? Fate sealed the way you wanted?"

She nodded. "It was." With a melancholy sigh, she then added. "But...our big moment came and went. It was taken from us when that woman attacked the school."

He frowned at her in concern.

"Today has made me realize something. Fate is conspiring against us, my love." She looked up into his eyes again. "Nothing's going to change. There will be more who show up, just like her. Jealous interlopers meddling in our happiness." A familiar darkness enveloped her being. "We live in a world that does not want us to be together."

A dark gloom fell over him as he lowered his head woefully. Whereupon Akane gently raised it back up, finding his gaze again.

"Which is why... we're going to destroy it."

Caleb immediately began to perk up.

"You need to become God," she insisted. "You need to destroy anything that does not belong in our forever. Nothing else matters but the love we feel for one another."

With adoration in her eyes, she placed his hand against her face and caressed it against her cheek.

"Our love is...beautiful and...pure and...true. Something most will only ever dream of." Akane finally turned her gaze back to the burning tree. "What is the world compared to that?"

He found his smile again and gripped her hand a little tighter, looking up at the burning tree alongside her. "It is beautiful."

She nodded in agreement. "It is. But more than that...."

They both turned towards one another.

"...this is only the beginning."

The two lovers kissed under their blazing tree, fate burning away to ash beneath the light of the stars.

Love's psychos ready to write their forever in the blood of humanity.

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