Chapter 34

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Caleb guided Akane up the stairs, where he showed her the loft. Aside from the rows of books, most of them being medical journals, the thing that really caught Akane's attention was the antique Steinway resting in the corner. Almost immediately, he picked up on his girlfriend's interest and offered to play for her.

It was one of her greatest fantasies come to life, sitting on the nearby couch, listening to her boyfriend play her favorite piece. Now it really was a song for her. Her own personal heaven on Earth. She already knew his voice was beautiful, but getting to hear it up close like this made the experience so much more intimate.

Something was bound to give eventually, and listening to Caleb sing so passionately to her in his smooth as silk voice proved to be the tipping point for the extremely love-addled young woman. Akane pulled him off the piano bench by his shirt and practically glued her lips to his. She then pulled him over to the couch and pushed Caleb down onto it, nearly banging his head in the process.

She straddled his lap, and the two lost themselves in a fit of blind passion, their desires finally reaching critical mass. Neither one of them had any experience with the emotions they were feeling at that moment; they just knew they needed each other to be as close as humanly possible. Akane was especially feverish for her lover, barely letting the poor boy come up for air as she kissed him again and again.

When they finally managed to pull away from each other, they were breathing heavily with a mixture of exertion and arousal. Their faces were flushed, and Akane's eyes were swimming with her own lust. Finally, she said it.

"Caleb...I...I want to see your bedroom next."

Now his heart was racing out of control. She was looking at him like a woman possessed. Whether Akane was aware of it or not, the front of her yukata had come loose, showing him more of what lay underneath. He swallowed back the lump in his throat.

"Are you...are you sure?"

She nodded, a feverish look in her eyes. "I am. I'm ready."

"Then I just need to grab something from downstairs."

Akane let him up, and Caleb headed down the spiral staircase towards the parlor. There, he opened the drawer where the condoms were stashed and picked one up. It was then something became glaringly apparent to the young man.

He didn't have a clue what he was doing.

What was the difference between a large and an XL? Furthermore, why did some of these say non-latex and others didn't? Where were the instructions on this damn thing?

Panic began to set in. Caleb was not ready for this; he could feel it deep down in the depths of his being. Just the idea of taking that leap, screwing something up, and potentially hurting her made him nauseous. But what the hell else could he do? She said she wanted this, and if he rejected her now, she might take it personally.

And knowing Akane, that was bound to turn violent.

His mind raced at that moment as the pressure weighed down on his shoulders. What was the answer here? This is what Akane wanted, but it wasn't what he wanted. If he explained his fears to her, his anxieties, would she be understanding? Or would she try to throttle him?

Finally, he placed the condom back in the drawer and shut it, sighing heavily.

I can't do this. Not right now.

With that thought in mind, he made his way back upstairs. Maybe she would understand if he was just completely honest with her. It was because he cares for her so much that he could not take this risk. Not with something like the Incubus Curse looming over them.

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