(017) a martyr or a sinner

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act one.

(chapter seventeen, a martyr or a sinner)

the arena, 2304.


IT WAS EARLY IN the morning when Valencia and Dominica climbed down from their tree branches and began to wander around the woods. It was now the seventh day of the Games, they had been in the arena for a whole week. The fear that Valencia might have to spend another week in the snowy woods made her want to go find the other three tributes and kill them herself. 

Valencia was tired, she was so exhausted. It seemed like she couldn't get to sleep despite her hard tries. Her dreams would be turned into nightmares as the faces of all those she had killed and seen die appeared. She feared that she could never get to sleep. She feared that maybe she won't be able to sleep at all ever again, for Valencia was now a new person. The little girl that would sit in the grain fields with Antares and laugh around with Billie was dead and the new Valencia was conjured, the one where she made up battle plans in her head and practiced throwing knives at a tree, imagining it was one of the tributes. It was like she was reborn. In these couple days, Valencia began to realise why Antares and Commie were nearly always in such a bad mood. 

As Valencia looked at Dominica, she realised that in the end, one of them would die. Valencia realised that in order for her to win, Dominica must die. Valencia could either die in the arena, blood seeping out onto the snow whilst her family mourned her or she could win, but carry the victims's souls in her heart, their blood all over her hands. She could either die a martyr or win as a sinner.

Dominica was up-front, gazing around at the trees. She was tired too, but she didn't have the deep violet bags that resided under her eyes. She didn't carry any injuries. She was just sick of being in the arena and the only thing fuelling her was the bitter rage she felt towards Silas. Her thirst revenge could either help her live or lead to her death.

Valencia was chewing on a bit of bread when she suddenly bumped into Dominica, who had stopped in her tracks. She furrowed her eyebrows as she peered at the girl from Four.

"What?" Valencia asked as she swallowed her bread, wiping her mouth. "What is it?"

Before Dominica could answer, Valencia caught sight of Clara and Jacob traipsing through the rocky terrain. They had their axe and sword in hand as they conversed quietly amongst each other, but Jacob latched his eyes on the duo. He laughed loudly as he pointed to them, Clara immediately flipping her axe around in her hand. It seemed like the small number of tributes had dawned some sort of seriousness on her. 

Dominica was the first to make a move, turning around and darting away. At her sudden action, Jacob and Clara came rushing at Valencia. With her heart in her throat, she turned around and did the same.

Dominica was a bit further than her, but Valencia easily caught up and the two flew between the trees and branches. The echoes of Jacob's hysteric laughter flew around everywhere, the birds being startled and flying off. Valencia could feel her heart pounding as she tried to not look over her shoulder, instead focusing on where she was going. If this went on long enough, they would be running around in circles.

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